Your house, your dog, your rules

When your parents (or in-laws) come over for the holidays, it may be the first chance you get to practice your grown-up parenting skills. And get a tiny bit of your own back for all those times you heard it as a teenager. “My house, my dog,  my rules.” If you’re lucky, you get to practice when you have a dog and not a baby – those discussions are even more fraught.

It came up this week for a training class student of ours. Her mother was coming to visit from overseas. Her mother, who happens to be a fan of a famous dominance-based trainer. And who’s from a culture deeply ingrained with rules, discipline, and pretty much the opposite of reward-based training.

Before Mom arrived, our trainee wanted us to see what was happening with her dog. The pup (seven months old) had been boarded for a few days during Thanksgiving, and had come home with some atypical behaviors. 

Not uncommon

Especially for puppies, boarding can be disruptive. The puppy’s schedule is discarded. Depending on the boarding situation, it may be anything from “run with a pack all day,” to stay-in-a-kennel except for yard time. None of the options is inherently bad. There are times when even the most devoted owner just can’t travel with their dog. Boarding is usually a safe option. Ideally, it’s also a comfortable choice and the dog will have some fun with either the staff or other dogs at the facility.

The best way to let your dog absorb the alternative is to practice. Like all things, dogs are adaptable beings if introduced to new things gradually. If your dog goes to a doggy day care that also does boarding, that’s a good place to start. The dog already has a good time during the day. Try to book a single night before a longer stay is necessary. Let the dog see the new routine. And pick them up early the next morning so the dog knows you’re always going to come back. 

This dog didn’t get a practice boarding session. After a few days she came home rather insecure and unsettled. She was barking uncharacteristically at people coming into the house. Even at her own family and the family’s familiar baby-sitters.

Back to her comfort zone

So we became the dog’s “cookie people.” That’s a technique straight out of the “Reactive Dog Recipe.” Most reactive dogs are afraid. The objective is to teach them that new people are sources of delicious treats and completely non-threatening. Basically, we walked into the house and threw treats on the floor in front of the dog while we talked to the people. We didn’t look at the pup, we certainly didn’t talk to her. Just calmly had a conversation with her people. In this case, because the dog was just a bit unsettled, not really reactive, and we’re familiar to her, it took less than five minutes for her to calm down. 

With Mom arriving two days later, the puppy’s owner now had a plan of action. Leave the pup in her crate until Mom came in, got comfy, and was ready to greet the dog.  Remember – your house, your dog, your rules.

Until, of course, Mom came and refused to reward a dog that was barking at her. It looks that way to someone who doesn’t take into account the dog’s emotional state, fear. Barking is actually a low-grade response to fear – our own Tango’s fear-aggression came out in lunging, snarling, and trying to bite. Since Mom wouldn’t get on board, the owners did the treat-tossing. Not ideal, but Mom doesn’t get to decide – not her house, her dog, or her rules. 

Familiarity breeds comfort

With this approach, the puppy getting treats every time she saw Mom, the dog was able to relax and accept the new person in just a couple of days. There was no interaction between them until the dog was ready to initiate it. Taken at the puppy’s pace, everything is working out great. They sent us a picture of the puppy relaxing on the couch with Mom today. Everything’s going to be fine. Until Dad arrives tomorrow and we start all over again.

Dog Training Game: Teach Your Pup to Pull

There are some dogs who are naturals at opening doors, drawers, or figuring out any obstacle that stands between them and their goal. If you have a dog that opens doors, drawers, hampers, garbage cans, you probably don’t need this game. The Teach Your Pup to Pull game is for the rest of us, whose dogs sit there and look at you with adorable puppy-dog eyes. And plead with you to open the goodie cabinet.

How it started

Hope had the notion that she’d like to create a little skit with Torque, using his various behaviors to tell a story. The idea came from watching the amazing winners of the AKC’s Virtual Trick Dog Championship. There’s nothing in those videos that’s beyond any of our dogs, it’s just a matter of putting the pieces together.

One of the behaviors needed for the scenario Hope imagined was for Torque to open a drawer to find a clue to the mystery. It seems a simple enough trick – after all, most dogs, including Torque, love to play tug.

It turned out not to be so simple after all. An essential component of “Tug!” Is someone on the other end providing resistance. Pulling a drawer open isn’t the same, from the dog’s point of view. We’d have to teach our pup to pull

How it’s going

The first step was choosing something to attach to the drawer that Torque could pull on. When you see videos of dogs opening stuff, generally speaking there’s a towel, rope, or piece of cloth for them to grab. 

That was a no-go for Torque. He would pick up a rope, but not have any idea what to do with it once he was holding it. Part of the issue was the drawer set we were using (pictured). There really isn’t a handle that a dog can grab. The knob is too small to have a large rope around it. 

Torque pulls a drawer open.

To move on to the meatier parts of the behavior, Hope tied a familiar “put it away” object to the rope, a plastic spatula. Torque knew it from the other game.

The next obstacle was getting him to take the tied-on spatula away from the drawers. He was absolutely convinced that putting it on top of the drawer set was the answer we were looking for. It wasn’t, but we had to find a way to let him know that. 

Using familiar game parts

To give him a goal away from the drawers, we used the bin we always use for “Put Your Stuff Away” games. We placed it well away from the drawers, placed the spatula well away from the drawers, and made sure we were facing the bin, rather than the drawers. Dogs pay attention to where you’re headed, so your direction matters.

Torque recognized the setup right away. He grabbed that spatula and headed for the bin. As soon as the drawer was clear of its housing, Hope clicked and rewarded, well short of the bin. That was letting Torque know he’d already done what she wanted. 

As Torque becomes more sure of the behavior that’s wanted, we’ll be able to place the bin even farther away and eventually stop using it. The latest modification was to put treats in the drawer as soon as it was opened up. This lets Torque know he’d achieved the objective.

How it’s going

We’re making progress, even though we only play “Pull!” a couple times a month. Torque is starting to understand the word “Pull!”, although he still needs the bin for a target.

This game, like all training games beyond the essentials (come, stay, sit, etc.), is just for fun and a chance to build on the dog’s repertoire. It’s always fun to have something new to play with – whether it’s a new toy or a new training game. Keeping many different skills in the rotation ensures that neither you nor your dog will get tired of playing training games together.

Every Stop Needs a Go

A “Stay!” Is your dog’s stop sign. Whatever position they’re in. Wherever they are. The release word you choose is the dog’s signal to move. Every stop needs a go.

Let’s say you’re driving around the city in fairly heavy traffic. You come to an intersection and the light turns red as you approach. Theoretically, you passed your driver’s license test, so you know you have to stop. And you also know you’re not going anywhere until the light turns green. Until you get your release signal.

Picture what would happen if nobody knew those signals. If every car just went on its merry way whenever the driver felt like it. The traffic wouldn’t be heavy. It would be chaotic.

Dog traffic signals

Teaching your dog the “Stay!” won’t work until  you pair it with a release word. If dogs are allowed to self-release from a stay, then “Stay!” means nothing. 

Simon is staying put until he hears his release word.

You know you want your dog to stay while you’re accepting a delivery and the door’s open. You want them to stay put until the door is safely shut again. But your dog doesn’t know that. They don’t understand “Stay until I close the door.” Dogs can understand “Stay until you hear your release word.” Your “Place” game will help with this, too.

Motion triggers

Most dogs will move when you move. They try to keep you in sight. When our students are teaching their dogs “Stay!” most pair a step and/or arm motion when giving their release word. Dogs are really good at absorbing the whole picture. If you stand stock still while your dog is holding a “Stay!” and move when you release them, that’s what they learn. They stay when you stay, they move when you move.

That’s why you have to disconnect your motion from both the “Stay!” and “Free!” commands. You have to be able to move when your dog is staying. And you must not move when releasing your dog from a “Stay!”

Make it easy for your dog

The best way to confuse your dog is being okay with them getting it wrong. If they move before you release them, they don’t understand either stop or go. Trying to fix something just confuses them even more. If they break the “Stay!” just move to a new position and start again.  

Dogs trained with positive reinforcement know there are no horrible consequences for getting stuff wrong. They’re not afraid to try again. And most dogs really want to get it right, so they work with you. Because they also know there’s a celebration jackpot when they get it right. Every stop needs a go. Make it easy for your dog to get that jackpot.

Watch your body language when dog training

Most people in dog training classes don’t realize how carefully dogs watch your body language. They notice everything. Without realizing it, you could be sending your dog a message you don’t intend.

The one we see most often is in heeling exercises. Ideally, your dog’s shoulder should be about even with your left leg. Your dog’s job is to maintain that position whenever you’re heeling.

Many dogs lag a bit behind their people, especially when performing turns or circles with the dog on the outside of the curve. 

It’s perfectly natural. The dog has a longer path than yours when they’re on the outside. But it’s not what you want. Your dog should adjust their pace to maintain proper heel position.

But when the dog starts to lag, the person almost always glances back, over their shoulder, to see where the dog is. Their left shoulder moves back, and the dog notices that and lags even more.

Fix it

The cure for this is easy. Keep your shoulders straight and the dog will hustle to get up into the correct position. But remembering to do that takes some effort. That’s one of the reasons we encourage all our students to take video of their practice. Pay careful attention to the message your posture is communicating.

Another common body language cue also tells the dog “back up.” You can demonstrate this for yourself with any dog – even one who’s never done any obedient thing in their life. Call your dog to you. If they come nice and close in front of you, lean forward, just a little bit. Chances are they’ll back up immediately. That’s how sensitive your dog is to your body language. Even a slight lean is enough to make many dogs move.

Stay woes

Dogs’ responsiveness to our physical cues has caused many problems for people teaching their dogs to stay. At first, while the dog is learning, any motion on your part is enough to ruin your dog’s stay. Dogs have to be actively taught to ignore our motion when asked. 

Booker in a Stay.

When you start to teach your dog “Stay!,” don’t move. Just the hand rewarding the dog should be your only motion. Any twitch, glance, or lean can cue an untrained dog to move. Introduce motion gradually, after your dog has some inkling of what stay is about. If your dog is in front of you, just lean to one side or the other. When they can “Stay!” through your lean, take a baby step to either side. Then a real step. It really is a step-by-step process to be able to walk around your dog. 

Notice your motion

Smart dog owners will be able to take advantage of their dog’s body language perception. We use very subtle cues to let our dogs know their positioning isn’t quite right. If the dog is coming to “Heel!” and stops a bit too far back, a little shoulder twitch tells them to move up. A weight-shift from one side to the other corrects their course on a Recall. 

For many of the training games, your first cue to your dog is looking at the object, whether it’s a dog bed for “Place!” or your own hand for “Touch!” Your attention to that thing will draw your dog’s. Another easy experiment: Stare at the ceiling. It won’t take long before your dog is looking up, too!

Dog Training’s Hardest Part

Waiting is dog training’s hardest part. 

It’s also the most important part. If you can’t resist temptation and tell your dog what to do, the dog will never figure it out on their own. You’ll spend the dog’s entire life telling them. 

That gets old after a while. You start to think to yourself “Why doesn’t my dog know this by now? We’ve been doing it the same way for years!” It’s because you never gave your dog the gift of letting them think it through.

Perfect example

Booker in his "place!"

Teaching dogs the “Place!” Game is where we see it most often in our classes. No question, it’s hard to just stand there, staring at a mat. Sometimes the dog doesn’t even look at it during class. The people get discouraged and say “Can’t I just tell him?” “Can I point to it?” 

No. No you can’t. Because the whole point of the game is for the dog to figure out that their action triggers the jackpot. When they choose to look at the mat, sniff the mat, step on the mat, sit on the mat, lie down on the mat, the treats rain down.

Once they do figure it out for themselves, your life gets easier. When you need the dog out of the way for any reason, whether it’s the pizza delivery guy at the door, or Grandpa halt-stepping through the room, your dog will understand what to do when you say “Place!”

So just wait. Stare at the darn mat for the whole training session. The dog may not get it today. But at some point, they’ll wonder what’s so fascinating about that thing. They’ll start interacting with it. And once the treats start falling from above, the lesson will be well on its way.

Opposite side of the coin

It’s difficult to wait for the dog to do something. It’s just as hard to exercise patience for them to stop doing something. But you can’t teach a dog “don’t.” You can reward the behavior you want. 

Let’s use jumping on people as our example. Most people just grab their dog’s collar and haul them away, apologizing to the jumpee all the while. They’ve stopped the current problem, but done nothing to teach the dog what to do. 

Instead, if you have a cooperative jumpee, set up the situation. While the dog is being rude and trying to get in the person’s face, what if everybody ignored the behavior and stared at the ceiling. Then, the instant the dog has all four paws on the ground, the dog gets rewarded and lots of attention. Just a few repetitions and most dogs catch on. If the dog gets even more treats and pets for sitting, they’ll probably choose to sit.

Thinking creatures

Think about it this way. If you think your dog is smart, they probably are. They’re also probably lazy. Which means they’ll happily foist off the chore of thinking if you let them. Thinking requires effort. Why should they do the work when you’re right there to do it for them?

The irony here is that once dogs do learn to think and make good choices, it snowballs. Dogs love solving puzzles, playing training games, and figuring stuff out. That first time you just wait them out will be rewarded many times over through your years together. 

Dog training’s hardest part, like many things in life, is worth the payout. You can continue to do things the easy way and always tell your dog what to do. But in the long run, it’s easier on both of you if your dog actually knows what to do. 

Foundation dog games #7: Off!

“Off!” Is the word you’ll use for everything from jumping on people to counter-surfing. The actual meaning of the word “Off!” for your dog will be “four paws on the floor.” That’s too much of a mouthful for you to spit out automatically when you need it.

It also may require that you do some practicing and retraining yourself. You know dogs can only assign one meaning per word. So if you’re saying “Down!” when your dog is up on something (or someone), stop it. “Down!” means lie down. It can’t mean both. 

Clear as mud

Like all behavior modification games, you have to set up the scenario. It’s not impossible to train dogs on the fly, but it’s difficult and unclear. If you’re trying to teach “Off!” when guests are arriving for a party, it’s not going to work. You’ll be distracted, not focused on training your dog. It’s just not the time, so don’t waste your breath and effort. Just put your dog on leash and manage the situation.

Devote some 2-Minute Dog Training sessions to the “Off!” Game prior to that party, if there’s time. It’s pretty easy and most dogs catch on quickly.

How to play

Get some incredibly yummy treats your dog can’t resist. This is the time to pull out the hot dogs, or cheese. Start by pulling out a chair or stool that your dog has to get on hind legs to reach the seat. Pile a bunch of those yummy treats in the middle of the seat, covered with your hand. Make it the hand farther from the dog that’s doing the covering. 

Simon learning "Off!"

If the treats are tempting enough, your dog will jump and put front paws on the seat. Don’t say anything. Don’t do anything. This is where you have to be patient. When your dog can’t get to the treats, they’ll eventually drop down with all four feet on the floor. Say “Good Off!” and give the dog one of the treats from under your hand. Keep one hand covering the treats and use the other hand to reward the dog. It has to be the dog’s decision to get “Off!” the chair.  Remember that “Off!” means four paws on the floor.

If you intervene and always tell your dog what to do when they misbehave, you’ll always have to. It takes time and patience to teach your dog to make good decisions. It’s worth it. Actually letting the dog decide to be “good” will last a lifetime. As opposed to saying “Off!” endlessly and hauling on the dog’s collar every time somebody comes over for the rest of the dog’s life. 

Set up the game

It won’t take long before your dog knows they’re being “set up” when you pile treats on that chair. Dogs are pretty smart that way. When your dog just sits and looks at you when you put those treats on the chair, it’s time to change the game. 

If your dog is tall enough to reach a table or counter, play the game the same way in those places. Or put the treats in a bowl on the chair. Move the chair into a different room. Change the scenario so the dog understands that “Off!” is always “four on the floor.” 

Simon doing his version of counter-surfing

If counter-surfing is an issue in your house, set up your “Off!” Game to mimic when that happens. If your dog tries to “help” when you’re at the counter preparing food, set up the scene. Have some treats handy and get out your cutting board, cutlery, etc. Cut up some food. If your dog’s paws get on the counter, stop what you’re doing, cover up the prep area by shielding it with your arms and torso. Don’t say anything. Don’t do anything. Wait for your dog to get “Off!” When they do, reward immediately and use that word: “That’s Off!” “Good Off!” “I like your Off!”

Most people say “Good Boy!” Or “Good Girl!” It’s nice, your dog likes it, but it’s not teaching them the word you want them to know. Try to remember to use the word you’re teaching. 

Grow the behavior

If jumping on people is your dog’s issue, you’ll need a volunteer to help you teach this expansion of “Off!” Set up the situation where your dog usually jumps on a person, and re-create it with your volunteer. 

Hope in statue-mode, with Simon learning "Off!"

You stand by, ready with those yummy treats. When the dog jumps up on the person, have them stop moving, cross their arms at their chest, and stare at the ceiling. Again, don’t either of you say anything, or do anything. Just be still. When the dog gets all four paws on the floor, you and your volunteer can start petting and talking to the dog, remembering to say “Good Off!” This is often sufficient reward – the dog was asking for attention. You can also give a treat for “Off!”

Most dogs will jump right back up on the person as soon as that person moves. Your volunteer should immediately go into statue mode – arms folded, staring at the ceiling. How many times? As many as it takes to convey the message to the dog. Or until that training session’s time is up. How long it takes will vary widely from dog to dog. Some get it right away. Others have to be convinced over time.

Be consistent: “Off!” means four paws on the floor every time

Lots of people like to teach their dog to jump up on them when asked. They’ll pat their chest and say “Up! Up!” That’s perfectly fine. It doesn’t interfere with learning “Off!” because it’s a trained, invited behavior. It may actually help the dog understand the difference.

If “Off!” means four paws on the floor, don’t ask for more than that. Your dog doesn’t have to “Sit!” as part of “Off!” Acknowledge and reward the “Off!” before moving on to other commands. Reward good decisions as your dog makes them. You’ll discover it leads to more and more of those good choices.

Foundation Dog Game #6: Collar Grab Game

There are three essential dog training commands that can save your dog’s life; “Drop it!”, “Stay!,” and “Come!” The recall, or “Come!” command has a twist to it. It’s one thing to get your dog to come close to you. It’s another to actually be able to catch hold of the dog. That’s where the “Collar Grab Game” comes in handy. It’s one of the first games we teach our own dogs and our Puppy and Beginner classes. It rewards dogs for letting you get a grip on them. And it teaches them that your hold isn’t the end of the fun.

One absolute imperative for having a reliable Recall: Never call your dog to you for something they don’t like.. If your dog hates getting a bath and you call them to “come get a treat” and you shove them in the tub, the dog knows you’re a liar and won’t come again. Don’t lie to your dog. If you have to do something your dog doesn’t like – go get them. 

The second warning about the Recall – always reward your dog for coming to you. Even if you’ve been calling for ten minutes and you’re frustrated as anything by the time they show up. The reward doesn’t have to be a treat – it can be a game of tug, or a scratch behind the ears, or praise. One of our first dog training teachers pounded it into our heads: If you’ve called your dog a hundred times and they come on the 101st, reward them. Give your dog a reason to “Come!” every single time.

Playing the Collar Grab Game

Simon the Boston Terrier playing the Collar Grab game

The Collar Grab Game is one of the simplest to explain. Basically, everybody in the household has a bunch of treats and you all stand in a circle. One person calls the dog, doing whatever it takes to get the dog to come to them (clap, whistle, run a little bit away, get down on hands and knees, talk like Yoda, etc.). When the dog is within reach, one hand grabs the dog’s collar while the other hand sticks a treat in the dog’s mouth. Then that person lets go and another person calls. 

It’s the mechanics of the game that sometimes fouls people up. It is essential that the collar grab comes before the treat. And it’s vital that the person calling doesn’t wave a treat at the dog to get them to come. We’re rewarding the dog for coming, not luring them to come.

That part’s important because you may not have a treat when you really need your dog to come. Like when somebody accidentally leaves the gate open and your dog is headed for the street. If you lure the dog to come, you’re creating a “show me the money” behavior. Instead, teach your dog that when they come, there will always be a reward coming. 

Let them go

As soon as the treat’s delivered to the dog, let go of the collar and the next person should call. Again, do whatever it takes to get the dog to come. Try to randomize who calls next, if you have more than two people. We want the dog to respond to their name, not just go around the circle for treats. 

Like all training games, only play for a maximum of five minutes. It’s especially important to quit while the dog’s still having fun and wants to keep playing. They’ll be eager to play the next time your household forms a circle. 

Everlasting game

A last warning about the Collar Grab Game. As mentioned, our dogs have known this game forever. Their ages are now 15, 11, 9, and 6. And they still run back and forth between us, trying to get us to play. It usually works. The Collar Grab game is a forever game.

Foundation Dog Games #5: Puppy Push-ups

Puppy Push-ups is our absolute favorite dog training game. Every class we teach, from Puppy Basics to Competition Obedience, starts with everybody doing Puppy Push-ups with their dogs. 

Why? The game is fast. It’s fun. And, it’s the best game for teaching dogs the position words. Dogs love it because there’s a high rate of reward. And everyone who interacts with your dog will love that your dog knows Puppy Push-ups.

What is Puppy Push-ups?

Puppy Push-ups is just a random, rapid sequence of “Sit!”, “Stand”, and “Down.” The faster you play, the more fun it is for everyone. 

Most Puppy Push-ups games alternate only between “Sit!” And “Down!” With only two positions to choose from, dogs may not understand the words. They just know if it’s not this one, it’s that one. By adding the “Stand!” To the mix, your dog actually listens. They learn which word means what. Most dogs aren’t taught “Stand!” But we don’t know why. Your dog’s groomer and veterinarian will love it. And so will you.

How to teach the positions

Dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. In this case, they already know “how,” so that’s not a problem. What we have to teach is associating the word with the position. 

This is one of the few cases where we actually will lure the dog in order to get them to move into the right position. This is where the timing and placement of rewards comes in.

One of the Puppy Push-ups positions: Sit!

For the “Sit!”, hold a treat at your dog’s nose and slowly move it up and slightly back. Dog’s anatomy dictates that when the head comes up, the butt goes down. As your dog’s butt hits the floor, tell them it’s a “good Sit!” Or “That’s Sit!” Be sure you use the position word “Sit!” Almost everyone says “Good girl (or boy)!” Instead of “good Sit!” To teach the word you have to use the word.

For the “Stand!” hold a treat at your dog’s standing nose level and slowly move it away from your dog, keeping it at the same level. Most people move too quickly and don’t give their dogs a chance to get their hind end moving. Be patient. Hold the treat level and steady, but don’t give it to the dog until they’re actually standing. Same deal – be sure to say “Good Stand!” Not “Good Dog!”

“Down!” Is rewarded between the dog’s front legs as they’re lying on the floor. Again, start at the dog’s nose level and slowly bring it down to the floor. Be patient – stay exactly where you are until your dog is actually lying down. 

What could go wrong

The most common issue is the dog not sustaining any position after the reward is delivered. Avoid this “one and done” syndrome by giving your dog multiple rewards for maintaining the position. Have two or three treats ready. If your dog stays in position, keep rewarding and saying “That’s Sit!” Or “Good Sit!” (Or Stand! or Down!). Then either give them another position or say their release word. 

At first, give your dog a reward for every single position change. And as your dog learns the game, speed it up. The faster it goes, the better. It gets more fun for both of you. Be sure to randomize the three positions. It will show you whether your dog truly knows the words or if they need more practice.

That practice is easily incorporated into your daily life. Have a container of treats in every room in the house. When you enter a room, notice what your dog is doing, name it and reward it. It won’t take long for your dog to learn the words.

Throw in some curves

Once you’re pretty sure your dog knows Puppy Push-ups, you can start changing it up to keep it new and interesting. Try it with your dog beside you. Or between your legs. Even try it with your dog behind you. Build distance. How far away can you be and still have your dog do their Push-ups?

Dogs start loving this game pretty easily. They don’t have to do anything scary or new. They get lots of treats. And it makes you happy. 

You can use Puppy Push-ups anywhere and anytime you need your dog’s attention. Or when you want them to switch gears into “work” mode. That’s why it’s a great start for every dog training class.

Foundation Dog Games #4: 3 – Step Pattern Walking

3-Step Pattern Walking is the dog training game that fixes people’s number one complaint about their dogs – pulling on leash.

The longer your dog has been practicing pulling, the more ingrained the habit. And, honestly, most dogs like pulling – even if it makes them choke. The logic of it is simple. With a tight leash, the dog doesn’t have to pay attention to you. They know exactly where you are. Which frees up your dog to check out everything in the environment.

Changing the rules

Since habit is powerful, you’re not going to try to change it. Instead, 3-Step Pattern Walking gives you and your dog a new way of walking. Rather than breaking a habit, it’s a new way of going for walks.

We’re not going to lie. How long it takes to work, or whether it works at all, is entirely on you.You can’t skip ahead or move forward before your dog’s ready. But if changing the behavior matters to you, and you work the process, it works like a charm.

First step

Choose a three-word phrase you can easily remember. Most people use 1-2-3, or A-B-C. The most creative one has been “Coffee, Tea, Wine.”

Don’t make it specific to this dog, or use your dog’s name. Once you see how well this works, you’ll use it for every dog you have in your lifetime. Keep it simple and easy to say.

Once you’ve decided on your three word phrase, Get a bunch of high-value treats and your dog. Take five treats. Say only the third word in your sequence and give your dog a treat. Don’t ask your dog to do anything. They don’t have to sit, or look at you, or do anything. They’re getting a treat when they hear the word.

What you’re doing is making that third word the most valuable word in the world to your dog. EVERY SINGLE TIME they hear that word, they get a treat. No exceptions. And, at this point, no demands on their behavior.

Next Steps

Take another five treats and say the second and third words in your phrase. On the third word, give the dog a treat. 

Most people can predict what’s coming next. Say the entire three-word phrase and give your dog a treat on the third word. It does help if you make that third word more exciting. Your dog has now gotten 15 treats when they hear your third word. That word is starting to sound pretty amazing to your dog.

That’s it for the first session. You’re just introducing the phrase and its value to your dog. 

Do it again

The next session, do exactly the same thing. Your third word is starting to become a jackpot for your dog. If your dog’s head isn’t whipping around to look at you when you say that third word, stay here. Get better treats. We want your dog to perk up and be excited to hear that third word.

If your dog starts to drool at the second word, it’s time to move ahead. Dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. So it’s time to teach them where they’ll get that third-word reward. Hold the treat at the side of your leg. You’ll do the same thing, five treats each for word three, words two-three, and one-two-three. But the difference is the dog must come to the side of your leg to get the treat. 

Time to move

Reward by the side of your leg in 3-step pattern walking

When your dog understands when (word three) and where (by your leg) they get rewarded, it’s time to put the pattern in motion. At first, one step for each word in the phrase. Keep your hands at your waist, just bringing the treat hand (the one closest to the dog) down on the third word. Don’t keep the treat in front of your dog’s nose. We’re rewarding, not luring.

When your dog reliably comes to the reward zone, or stays by your side as you walk and repeat the phrase, you can move on. Speed it up, take it out on walks. 

Don’t expect your dog to pay attention to the game for more than a few minutes at a time. If you’re walking in your neighborhood, with lots of distractions, use it only for two or three repetitions. Before you start, get your dog’s attention with “Touch!” Don’t just start yelling your dog’s 3-word phrase when they’re yanking you down the street. Stop, get some focus, then start.

Practice makes a new habit

We’re overlying a new habit on your dog’s previous behavior with this foundation game of 3-Step Pattern Walking. It takes time to form a new habit, so be patient and consistent. The result is worth it. Making every outing with your dog a nice walk in the park.

Foundation Dog Games #3: Touch!

“Touch!” is the dog training game we use most often. It’s a fast, fun game. No special equipment, nothing but your hands, some treats, and your dog. The more you play it, the more useful “Touch!” becomes. Make it your dog’s favorite game – you’ll be happy you did.

We’ve seen “Touch!” played a few different ways, with varying results. The version we use really emphasizes the mechanics of the game. It makes a difference when you want to sustain the game longer than a single touch. 

It’s one thing to grab your dog’s attention momentarily when there’s a bicycle flying down the walking path next to you. It’s another when you need to keep your dog’s mind occupied while sitting in the veterinarian’s waiting room with a cat in a carrier across the aisle. Our version of “Touch!” is useful in either case.

Timing is everything

Basically, “Touch!” is just holding out your hand and your dog touches it with their nose. Sounds easy, and it is. The tricky part, if there is one, is keeping the dog doing it. It’s the last place you want your dog displaying “one and done” syndrome.

Remember that dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. That translates to being very conscious of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. You don’t have to worry that you’ll break your dog, or ruin the game irretrievably. Getting it “wrong” just means you might confuse your dog and it may take an extra 2-Minute session or two for them to get it. Relax and have fun.

Focus on procedure

To play “Touch!”, hold your hand, palm out, in front of your leg at the level of your dog’s nose. It doesn’t matter which hand, or which leg. You’ll be manipulating the treats with the other hand, so it’s probably smart to offer the palm of your non-dominant hand to your dog. 

Hold your palm-out hand right there. Don’t ever move it in this game. Pretend it’s surgically attached to your leg and does not move. Again – the open palm facing your dog does not move during the game. Ever.

In case the emphasis and repetition don’t clue you in, this is the part of the game that almost everyone screws up when they’re learning how to play. That open palm is waggling all over the place, bopping into the dog’s face, curling around a treat, shifting to keep it in the dog’s sight. Again – the open hand that your dog needs to touch Does Not Move. 

When your dog interacts with the palm in any way (looks at it, sniffs it, licks it, touches it with their nose), use the other hand to bring a treat to the palm and give it to your dog. You can say “Good Touch!” if the dog did it. Otherwise, just stay quiet. Do Not Move The Open Hand. Just leave it there. Wait for your dog. Be patient.

Note: if your dog paws at your hand, don’t reward it. We’re being specific that the dog’s nose has to “Touch!” If this game looks a little like “Gimme Your Paw” to your dog, that’s understandable. When you play “Gimme Your Paw,” use a cupped hand, rather than a flat, open palm so your dog will understand the difference. You can start, like Hope did with Simon, seated cross-legged on the floor and your arm resting on your knee

Sustaining the “Touch!” behavior

As long as your open hand remains in place, your dog should keep touching it. Reward every single touch. Because the rate of reward is high for this game, dogs tend to learn it quickly and love playing it. Don’t be stingy with the treats. We want this game to have high interest and value for your dog so you can rely on their response when you need it. 

There really isn’t any next step. You put your palm out, your dog touches it, deliver a reward with the other hand, using the open palm as a target for the treat. Give the dog the treat – don’t drop it in your open palm (which would require moving that hand, which you shouldn’t do). You deliver it to the dog near the open palm. It can look and feel a little awkward, but it’s the way to explain the game to the dog. Remember dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. This is the placement part. It matters.

Play often, wherever

Because this is a go-to game in all kinds of stressful situations, be sure to play it often. Play it in every room, outside, in the car, at the pet store – wherever you and your dog go together. To keep your dog’s interest and love of the game at the highest level, don’t even try to slack off on the rewards. If every single “Touch!” gets rewarded, your dog will, reliably, “Touch!” when you ask them to.

If you keep the “Touch!” game valuable to your dog, they’ll respond when you need them to. Like when you let them out in the yard late at night for last walks and see the skunk ambling across. If your dog dashes over to “Touch!” you may not have to make a midnight run to the store for tomato juice.