Puppy Basics: 5 Steps

Congratulations on your new addition to the family!

There’s not much that’s more exciting than adding a member of the family. Adding a puppy is exhilarating and equally exhausting. Giving that puppy the right start is a lot of work, but we think it’s also a ton of fun!

Our “Puppy Basics” will help you start on the right paw / foot and work from there. From the time you bring your puppy home and he worms his way into your heart, through all the years, having a dog should bring you joy.

When you sign up for Puppy Basics, you’ll get one email right away, and then 4 more, giving you the essentials for a happy life with your puppy – from Housebreaking to Biting to Jumping and Calming Down.

Have fun.