Walk Around Your Dog Training Game

Dogs like to be where the action is. Preferably right in front of you and able to watch everything that’s going on. Most of the time, that’s fine. It only becomes a problem for most people when they’re on the move and the dog insists on being in the path. The best example we’ve heard is when you’re trying to carry the boiling pasta pot from the stove to the sink. The dog, of course, is in the middle of the kitchen, right in your path. And, as you try to get around them, they have to move so they can see every move you make. Every step you take. They’ll be watching you. That’s when the Walk Around Your Dog training game is extremely helpful.

Most dogs don’t realize that they’re perfectly capable of watching without moving. It’s almost as if they can’t figure out what necks are for and turning their heads never even occurred to them. One of the Beginner Novice Obedience exercises is to put your dog in a “Sit/Stay!” in the center of the ring, leave them, and walk around the entire perimeter of the ring. When the exercise was first introduced, many experienced competitors considered it more difficult than the old five-minute out-of-dog’s sight stay. 

One of the things to look for when teaching this kind of rock-solid stay is your dog’s head flip. When you start moving behind your dog, do they get up to follow your motion? Or, as you pass behind them, do they flip their head from one side to the other to watch you? The head flip is a good indication the dog knows what they’re supposed to be doing. And they might even do it.

A step at a time

Before you start playing the game, it’s a good idea to assess how far around you can get. Many dogs get up as soon as their person gets to their shoulder. Others are non-starters. If the person moves, they move. Still others will let you get to about their hips before they start swiveling around.

It’s important to note here that dogs are absolutists. They only understand “yes” or “no.” There’s no “maybe” or “sometimes” with dogs. That means any motion, other than the dog’s head or tail, means the dog doesn’t understand “Stay!” You’re not being mean, or too picky by not accepting less-than-perfect stays. You’re actually making it easier for your dog to understand what you want. If you accept a “sort of” behavior from your dog, your dog will never really know what you really want.

Start by getting a treat and holding it at your dog’s nose. Leave your hand exactly where it is as you try to step around your dog. Your hand doesn’t move. You also don’t actually give the dog the treat. See how far around your dog you can go. 

If you get all the way around, that’s great! Give your dog the treat. Then try it with your dog by your side instead of in front. 

Baby steps

This is Torque playing the Walk Around Your Dog training game

If you didn’t get all the way around, you’re with most people. The vast majority of dogs start moving as soon as their people do. Start again, taking it much slower. If you can’t get anywhere, just stand in front of your dog, treat almost on their nose. Lean or sway to the side, back and forth. If your dog holds steady, give them the treat and start again. This time, move one foot slightly. Build slowly, one little bit of motion at a time. This is hard for dogs – you’re fighting against their instinct to always be in front of you. Reward for the tiniest bit of progress. Show your dog they’re getting it right.

You don’t always have to go the same way around your dog. In Obedience and Rally your dog is always on your left, so you always go counter-clockwise around your dog. That’s not necessary in everyday life. However, we always tell our competition students not to “fix it” when their dogs mess up. Move just a couple steps away and start over. That way the dog doesn’t incorporate the “fix” into the behavior.

It’ll come eventually

The “Walk Around Your Dog” can take quite a while to communicate to your dog. It’s one of those behaviors that your dog doesn’t seem to understand at all. And then, possibly weeks later, all of a sudden they get it and it’s rock solid. 

Don’t hammer away at “Walk Around Your Dog.” Visit the game a couple of times a week and be satisfied adding a step at a time. Be sure to heavily reward any progress. Dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. Getting it right, especially when it’s difficult, has to be significantly different from wrong. A jackpot for any incremental progress is a good idea.

Testing it out

We’re always putting our dogs’ “Walk Around Your Dog” to the test. With a small house and four dogs, you’re always trying to walk around somebody. It helps a lot if only one being is in motion at a time.

Why dogs pull on leash, and what to do about it

Many dog owners think their dogs pull on leash because they’re in a hurry. They want to get “over there” to sniff whatever nasty things are on the ground. Or maybe the dogs like going faster. Maybe their dogs think there’s something more interesting around the corner. 

The truth is much more basic. Dogs like having a tight leash. The reason is simple. If the leash is tight, they don’t have to pay attention to you. When dogs pull on leash, they know exactly where you are and what you’re doing. They can focus on everything around them, and not worry about where you are. In lots of ways, it’s easier for your dog to pull, even if it chokes them, than divide their attention.

Don’t try breaking it

As everyone knows, habits are hard to change. The longer the habit’s been entrenched, the harder it is to break. That’s one of the reasons we don’t try to break the pulling habit. Instead, we establish a new walking game and use it until it becomes a habit you’ll want to keep.

Since dogs always choose the action that’s most rewarding, being by your side has to be the most valuable option. Arm yourself with your dog’s highest-value treats for the Pattern Walking Game. Whether that’s hot dogs, cheese, or whatever bizarre thing your dog loves above all else, have it ready.

Pattern Walking Game

The first step is to choose a three-word phrase you can remember easily. Most people choose “one, two, three.” But it can be anything your dog doesn’t hear all day every day. One of our trainees chose “Coffee, Tea, Wine.” You’ll be saying it a lot, so choose a phrase that comes to you easily. We’ll use “one, two, three,” here. You use your chosen phrase for the steps.

Get five treats and your dog. On leash is good, since that’s how your dog will associate the phrase with walking. Now say the third word in your phrase and give your dog a treat – 5 times.

“Three.” Give your dog a treat.
“Three.” Treat.
“Three.” Treat.
“Three.” Treat.
“Three.” Treat.

Your dog doesn’t have to do anything, be anywhere in particular to get the treat. It helps if you say it in an excited voice.

Next steps

Get five more treats and say the second and third words in your phrase. Emphasize the third word. Give your dog a treat when you say the third word:

“Two, THREE!” Treat.
“Two, THREE!” Treat.
“Two, THREE!” Treat.
“Two, THREE!” Treat.
“Two, THREE!” Treat.

We bet you can guess what the next step is in teaching your dog the Pattern Walking Game. Get another five treats and:

“One, Two, THREE!” Treat.
“One, Two, THREE!” Treat.
“One, Two, THREE!” Treat.
“One, Two, THREE!” Treat.
“One, Two, THREE!” Treat.

Where you want them

The first few times you play the game, that’s all you do. You have to establish the link between the third word and reward. Once your dog whips their head around at the sound of your third word, you can move on to the next step – where the treat is located.

This step teaches your dog to be in the “reward zone.” Hold the treat by your thigh, on the side where you want your dog to walk. Start all over with three sets of five treats, always holding the treat on “THREE!” where you want your dog’s head to be.  That’s by your side. Your dog should start looking for the treat on “Two” and be looking for your reward hand.

Put it in motion

Again, depending on your dog, only move on when your dog anticipates where the reward will be by going to the reward zone as you say your 3-word phrase.

Once the dog is reliably at your side on “THREE!”, take a step as you say each word of the phrase. If your dog isn’t at your side when you say “THREE!”, just wait. Don’t move the treat, or wave it around. Your dog may need a moment to think, so let them. When they come to your side, give them the treat and do it again. And again. 

Stretch it out

Reward by the side of your leg in 3-step pattern walking

When your dog understands, take two steps for every word in the phrase. Take your pattern walking to different rooms, outside, in the yard, etc. Put it in motion and take it for a test run.

You can make Pattern Walking a part of longer walks. If you go for 30 minutes walks, don’t use the Pattern Walking Game more than five minutes at a time. If you use it in the middle of a longer walk, set yourself up for success. Get your dog’s attention. Have them sit. Do a quick “One, Two, THREE!” Treat!. And then start the game’s motion.

Using Pattern Walking on a regular basis during walks will establish it as a new habit that’s fun for both of you. It takes some time. That’s okay. It takes time to establish a new routine.

Word of caution

Once your dog is in love with the third word in your phrase it’s tempting to abuse it. It’s not a substitute for a good “Come!” It’s not a way to get your dog’s attention. We’ve had students who start repeating “Three! Three! Three!” when their dog loses attention. Don’t. Use a game like “Touch!” Or “Puppy Push-ups” to center your dog. 

Keep your 3-word Pattern Walking phrase sacred for walking. Every time your dog hears the third word, they should get a treat by your side.  Every time. No exceptions. If you stick to it, your dog will know exactly what’s expected of them and do it reliably.

Every Stop Needs a Go

A “Stay!” Is your dog’s stop sign. Whatever position they’re in. Wherever they are. The release word you choose is the dog’s signal to move. Every stop needs a go.

Let’s say you’re driving around the city in fairly heavy traffic. You come to an intersection and the light turns red as you approach. Theoretically, you passed your driver’s license test, so you know you have to stop. And you also know you’re not going anywhere until the light turns green. Until you get your release signal.

Picture what would happen if nobody knew those signals. If every car just went on its merry way whenever the driver felt like it. The traffic wouldn’t be heavy. It would be chaotic.

Dog traffic signals

Teaching your dog the “Stay!” won’t work until  you pair it with a release word. If dogs are allowed to self-release from a stay, then “Stay!” means nothing. 

Simon is staying put until he hears his release word.

You know you want your dog to stay while you’re accepting a delivery and the door’s open. You want them to stay put until the door is safely shut again. But your dog doesn’t know that. They don’t understand “Stay until I close the door.” Dogs can understand “Stay until you hear your release word.” Your “Place” game will help with this, too.

Motion triggers

Most dogs will move when you move. They try to keep you in sight. When our students are teaching their dogs “Stay!” most pair a step and/or arm motion when giving their release word. Dogs are really good at absorbing the whole picture. If you stand stock still while your dog is holding a “Stay!” and move when you release them, that’s what they learn. They stay when you stay, they move when you move.

That’s why you have to disconnect your motion from both the “Stay!” and “Free!” commands. You have to be able to move when your dog is staying. And you must not move when releasing your dog from a “Stay!”

Make it easy for your dog

The best way to confuse your dog is being okay with them getting it wrong. If they move before you release them, they don’t understand either stop or go. Trying to fix something just confuses them even more. If they break the “Stay!” just move to a new position and start again.  

Dogs trained with positive reinforcement know there are no horrible consequences for getting stuff wrong. They’re not afraid to try again. And most dogs really want to get it right, so they work with you. Because they also know there’s a celebration jackpot when they get it right. Every stop needs a go. Make it easy for your dog to get that jackpot.

10 Dog Training Tips

Dogs are smart. They’re learning sponges, eager to absorb whatever you want to teach them. Use these 10 dog training tips and the sky’s the limit for you and your dog!

  • Everyone, dogs included, learns better and retains more when they’re having fun. Training isn’t a chore, it’s a chance to have fun with your dog.
  • Dog training isn’t tedious or prolonged. Short, fast, fun training games work. Concentrate on training for a few minutes at a time, ideally no more than five. 
  • Dogs need time to process and absorb what they learn. Just because your dog didn’t get it today, doesn’t mean they won’t be brilliant later or tomorrow.
  • Vary your posture, place, and the dog’s position. If you do the same thing the same way all the time, that’s the only way the dog will know it. The classic example is “Sit!” Most people face their dogs, hold a treat up, and say “Sit!” If the dog is beside them, they don’t get it. 
  • You don’t get to decide what your dog’s favorite things are. You may not like that your dog hates the expensive treats you got, but you have to accept it. If your dog prefers celery to salmon, use the celery. If they prefer toys to food, use toys as their reward.
  • Be patient. Whatever behavior you’re trying to modify is probably a habit. Changing a habit is hard and takes lots of determination. See last week’s 2-Minute Tip for more about patience!
  • Dogs don’t understand “sometimes” or “close enough.” If the dog sits when you ask for a “Down!” and you accept it, your dog will never understand either one. Set clear criteria and stick to them. That’s not being mean, it’s helping the dog understand.
  • Be honest with your dog. If you’re planning to give them a bath, don’t call them to get a cookie. If you’re leaving the house, don’t sneak out. Dog’s trust is easily broken. 
  • Relax and enjoy. Training your dog is an ongoing and life-long process. You’re not trying to achieve anything except having the biggest, best life with your best friend. 
  • Your dog wants to learn. Giving them the chance to live up to their potential is a gift to them. Dogs like knowing stuff. It helps them understand and cope with our human world.
Use these 10 dog training tips for a happier home.

Whether you’re aiming for relaxing walks around the neighborhood or the highest level of dog sports competition, these 10 dog training tips will come in handy. Nobody has to have a dog. You decided to get a dog for fun and company. They’re great at that. They’re also happier when you teach them the skills they need to be good dogs.

2 dog training traits you must have

2 Dog training traits – Patience and a Sense of Humor

There is a whole list of things we tell our students to bring to the first dog training class session. The two most important? Patience and a sense of humor. These are the two dog training traits you must have for success.

Both are crucial, whether your aim is to keep your dog from jumping on guests to competing at the highest level of dog sports. No matter what you’re trying to teach, your dog is learning the same way.

Getting the message

Let’s say your dog always pulls on leash, so you’ve started the 3-Step Pattern Walking game. Your dog did great with it in class – their head was already whipping around when you said your third word. 

So the next time you play the game, you skip the first step and try to put it in motion. You just say your three-word phrase and your dog ignores you entirely. So you start repeating your third word, louder and louder. Until your dog finally turns around and looks at you. As if they’re asking “Are you talking to me?”

You have to possess your soul in patience. If you took a foreign language in school, you weren’t conversational the first week. You had to learn the vocabulary and proper word order to communicate. Look at dog training the same way. Last week we talked about patience being required when training “Off!” You actually need patience whenever you train your dog!

Laugh it up, fuzzball

Patience and a sense of humor are the 2 essential traits for successful dog training.

Dogs trained with positive reinforcement are quick to try new stuff. When they don’t understand something, they try to fit it in a file they already know. A recent example here was Hope teaching Torque to pull open a drawer. She attached a string to the drawer pull, then a familiar object (a plastic spatula) at the other end to “Pull.” 

Torque immediately grabbed the spatula and trotted over to the drawer to put it inside. It wasn’t what Hope wanted, but it was clever and adorable. And he was so very happy with himself. You could almost hear him laughing “I got this!”

He didn’t. But that’s okay. It was cute, and funny. His actions told Hope what game Torque thought they were playing and let her know some adjustments were necessary.

Always cute

Whenever you play training games with your dog, make sure your patience and sense of humor are along for the ride. Meet your dog where they are. Give them as long as it takes to understand what you’re teaching. And all the while you’re growing the 2 dog training traits you must have.

Some dogs are whizzes at some games. Those same dogs may take a while to catch on to other games. All dogs can learn whatever training games you want to teach. Enjoy the journey and the fun. 

Foundation Dog Game #6: Collar Grab Game

There are three essential dog training commands that can save your dog’s life; “Drop it!”, “Stay!,” and “Come!” The recall, or “Come!” command has a twist to it. It’s one thing to get your dog to come close to you. It’s another to actually be able to catch hold of the dog. That’s where the “Collar Grab Game” comes in handy. It’s one of the first games we teach our own dogs and our Puppy and Beginner classes. It rewards dogs for letting you get a grip on them. And it teaches them that your hold isn’t the end of the fun.

One absolute imperative for having a reliable Recall: Never call your dog to you for something they don’t like.. If your dog hates getting a bath and you call them to “come get a treat” and you shove them in the tub, the dog knows you’re a liar and won’t come again. Don’t lie to your dog. If you have to do something your dog doesn’t like – go get them. 

The second warning about the Recall – always reward your dog for coming to you. Even if you’ve been calling for ten minutes and you’re frustrated as anything by the time they show up. The reward doesn’t have to be a treat – it can be a game of tug, or a scratch behind the ears, or praise. One of our first dog training teachers pounded it into our heads: If you’ve called your dog a hundred times and they come on the 101st, reward them. Give your dog a reason to “Come!” every single time.

Playing the Collar Grab Game

Simon the Boston Terrier playing the Collar Grab game

The Collar Grab Game is one of the simplest to explain. Basically, everybody in the household has a bunch of treats and you all stand in a circle. One person calls the dog, doing whatever it takes to get the dog to come to them (clap, whistle, run a little bit away, get down on hands and knees, talk like Yoda, etc.). When the dog is within reach, one hand grabs the dog’s collar while the other hand sticks a treat in the dog’s mouth. Then that person lets go and another person calls. 

It’s the mechanics of the game that sometimes fouls people up. It is essential that the collar grab comes before the treat. And it’s vital that the person calling doesn’t wave a treat at the dog to get them to come. We’re rewarding the dog for coming, not luring them to come.

That part’s important because you may not have a treat when you really need your dog to come. Like when somebody accidentally leaves the gate open and your dog is headed for the street. If you lure the dog to come, you’re creating a “show me the money” behavior. Instead, teach your dog that when they come, there will always be a reward coming. 

Let them go

As soon as the treat’s delivered to the dog, let go of the collar and the next person should call. Again, do whatever it takes to get the dog to come. Try to randomize who calls next, if you have more than two people. We want the dog to respond to their name, not just go around the circle for treats. 

Like all training games, only play for a maximum of five minutes. It’s especially important to quit while the dog’s still having fun and wants to keep playing. They’ll be eager to play the next time your household forms a circle. 

Everlasting game

A last warning about the Collar Grab Game. As mentioned, our dogs have known this game forever. Their ages are now 15, 11, 9, and 6. And they still run back and forth between us, trying to get us to play. It usually works. The Collar Grab game is a forever game.

Dog’s trust is easily broken

Your dog relies on you to be a dependable partner. If you always deliver what you promise, so will your dog. But be careful what you promise. A dog’s trust is fragile. If you don’t follow through, or if you try to deceive your dog, it’s over.

According to our TikTok audience, Torque (Hope’s French Bulldog) must be AI (artificial intelligence) rather than a real dog. Because Frenchies don’t ever listen, let alone obey.

As Colonel Sherman T. Potter (M*A*S*H) would have said, “horse hockey!”

Torque listens, obeys, and looks like a genius because Hope never lies to him. Ever. That’s the entire secret of getting your dog to be a canine Einstein. Be absolutely reliable. 

What do you mean?

We just saw a story about a canine study testing whether dogs could tell if a person was lying, or a bad person. In the first part, the dog was told to go to a container full of treats. All of the dogs did it. For the second part, the dogs were re-sent to the container which was empty. Again, they all went. In the third part, none of the dogs went to the container. The dogs’ trust had been broken.

We’ve all heard the old saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” This is a true-to-life example that dogs are not fools. You can certainly fool them once. But that’s it. They’ll never fall for the same lie twice.

Take a good look in the mirror

Let’s face it. Dogs are easy to fool. And their looks of puzzlement are really adorable when you pretend to throw the ball and there’s no ball. But every time you trick your dog, you’re eroding their trust in your relationship. They may fall for the fake toss a couple of times. You’re the one who will pay for it in the end when your dog stops being happy to play with you.

Some dogs have a sense of humor and can tolerate being teased. Others don’t understand and it can even upset them. Torque is a good-natured dog who will go along with any silly thing Hope dreams up for him.He’ll give it his best try. And he’ll try repeatedly. He knows that when he gets it right he’ll be generously rewarded.

When Hope has no treats with her, she shows her empty hands to her dog so he knows. If she has really primo treats, she lets him sniff to be sure he knows what’s available. And when he gets it right, he gets that primo treat. 

Build a solid foundation

If you like teasing your dog, or playing pranks on them, that’s going to define your relationship. Your dog is still going to love you. They’ll forgive you. They may even join in the humor of the joke. But your dog is never going to hang on every word you say, or do what you ask them to do when you ask them to do it. Because once too often you’ve called your dog for “Cookies!” and then shoved them in the bathtub. 

If you truly want your dog to listen, you have to be worth listening to. If you call your dog’s name and they ignore you, it’s probably because there’s no reason to listen. Next time you complain that your dog doesn’t pay any attention to you, try seeing it from their point of view. What’s the difference, for your dog, between paying attention and not? It’s up to you to define it.

Just for the fun of it – Train Your Dog!

There seems to be a mindset that dog training is something you “have” to do. The truth is, most dogs are only “trained” to function within the family. It’s almost like people see it as a chore, rather than a chance to play with their dogs. We wish they could see the fun the rest of us have when we play training games with our dogs.

That’s all it really is. Dogs love to learn, love having a job, and love spending time with you. Most dogs today aren’t really “working” dogs. Their primary job is to be great companions, and they’re great at it. 

Ask for more

That’s fine. If you’re a couch potato and want your dog to lounge next to you and stare at screens all day, go for it. 

But if you want more, it’s at your fingertips. If you’re just a little bit intrigued by the possibilities of what you and your dog can do together, start with one little training game. Play “Touch!” for two minutes. 

If you do, you’ll be amazed by how quickly your dog catches on. And how happy your dog is to play with you. When was the last time you saw that open-mouth, silly grin on your dog’s face?

Not just us – dogs love to play training games

Last week one of our students told us something that makes us glad. She said that by late afternoon, if she hasn’t played training games with her dog, he comes to find her and won’t stop bothering her until they have a training session. If you’ve found a good training class, your dog should practically drag you into the room. Dogs should love to play training games.

We wish there was another word than “training” for what we do with our dog. It has so many dull, painful, boring connotations. Until we think of one, or make one up, it will have to do.

Give it a new definition

One thing we can do now is urge you to just try. Give it a week. One or two training games a day – less than 10 minutes. If it doesn’t work, if you don’t have fun, if your dog doesn’t learn stuff, let us know. 

We know you’re tired at the end of the day. So get up five minutes earlier and play training games with your dog’s breakfast. Use one commercial break from whatever screen you’re watching to play with your dog.

Here’s the warning label: Playing training games with your dog is addictive. If you don’t love your dog and don’t want to have a singular bond with them, do not play. 

Don’t say we never warned you.

Let your dog freestyle

Do you ever let your dog freestyle your 2-Minute sessions? Or do you always have a goal in mind when you’re playing training games? 

We agree with Apple CEO Tim Cook: “Let your joy be in your journey – not in some distant goal.” 

While we do teach our dogs the skills they need to compete in dog sports, that’s not the focus of training games. Giving your dog the biggest, best, happiest life is the reason for this joyful journey.

Cue your dog’s creativity

Just for the fun of it, grab a bunch of random household stuff you don’t really care about. Nothing breakable, please. Then toss it on the floor and let your dog loose. You don’t even have to have any treats. Just let your dog do whatever they want for a couple of minutes.

Sometimes, they’ll come up with a whole new game. In one of Simon’s freestyle sessions he showed Fran he liked to make towers of toys. She’s now working on a container-stacking game.

Other choices

It’s also possible that absolutely nothing useful will come from the play session. Faced with some random objects, Hope’s Torque decided the most fun thing would be to destroy cardboard tubes. That’s what he wanted to do. That’s what he did. And he had fun doing it.

At first your dog may not understand the concept. They may look to you for direction. It takes a while for dogs who have always been under instruction to understand they’re free to do whatever they want. 

This is where you have to be patient. Which, as we all know, is the absolute hardest part of dog training. You can encourage your dog to check things out, but try not to interact with any of the objects. If your dog starts moving among them, or sniffing them, encourage the dog. But don’t interfere. Let them figure it out.

Building confidence when you let your dog freestyle

Making decisions helps dogs build confidence. In these freestyle sessions where anything goes, they’ll learn to explore more. Often in dogs’ lives they’re not allowed to go where they want, do what they want, check out interesting things.  

These improvised sessions counter-balance both the regular routine and the strict structure of most dogs’ days. It’s another way to enrich their lives. And it’s fun.

Teaching “Fetch!”

You might think there are two kinds of dogs in the world. Those who love to play “Fetch!” and those who just don’t get it. In fact, the two kinds of dogs are: 1) those who love to play “Fetch!” and 2) those who don’t love it yet. Teaching fetch the 2-Minute Trainer way will make up for that!

It may take a little time, patience, and slobber to get there, but you can if that’s your goal. Like all of our dog training games, you break it down into small steps and teach one at a time. 

The game of “Fetch!” is really not as simple as it looks. There are a lot of small steps that all add up to a complete game.

The first step is for your dog to love playing with a toy with you. The “with you” is the important part. If you’re not part of the play from the outset, you never will be. It doesn’t matter what toy you start with, as long as it has someplace for both of you to hold on. Balls don’t. Balls on ropes do. Bones don’t. Plush toys do. 

Getting the grab

If there’s a toy your dog already loves that fits the bill, you’re ahead of the game. If you have a dog that doesn’t much care about toys, you may have to work a bit to get there. To get your dog to play with a toy with you, start by being annoying. Swish the toy back and forth on the floor in front of your dog, being sure to contact their front paws as you go. Keep it a slow, back and forth motion. With some excited dialog: “You gonna get it?” “What’s that?” “Get it!” 

When your dog does grab the toy – and it may take some time to get the grab – play tug! (A word of caution about tug. Be sure to tug back and forth. Up and down motion could injure your dog’s neck or spine.) If your dog drops the toy, you drop it, too. Encourage your dog to “Get it!” If they do pick it up, start playing tug again. If they don’t, go back to your swishing. To graduate to the “Fetch” part, the toy has to be valuable to the dog, they have to want to get it without you holding it. 

Make tug the best game ever

Once your dog loves playing tug, the next part is easier. In the middle of a game of tug, drop the toy and run away from your dog. At first, just go a step or two. When you turn around to look at your dog, they should be right behind you. Grab your end of the toy and play tug! The tugging game will be your dog’s reward when they “Fetch!” 

The fastest way to get a dog to come to you is to run away from them. It also works with human toddlers. It takes guts to run away from your dog when they’re on the loose and headed for traffic, but it does work. Chasing after a dog is every dog’s signal to play “You Can’t Catch Me!,”, which is never what you really want to play. 

If your dog has dropped the toy, or isn’t following you, run back to the toy and excitedly say something like “You forgot something!” “Where’s your toy?” “Get it!” When the dog picks it up again, say “Good Get it!” and run a couple of steps away. 

Be patient. If your dog has never played “Fetch!” or is inconsistent in either carrying or bringing the toy, keep trying. It may take a few 2-Minute sessions for them to get the idea. Hope’s French Bulldogs have never been natural retrievers, or toy fanatics. But each and every one learned to love the retrieve, which is Obedience parlance for “Fetch!”

And you’re teaching “Fetch!”

Once your dog loves playing tug with you, and loves chasing you to play tug, you can progress to “Fetch!” Show your dog the favorite tug toy and then toss it away. As soon as you throw, turn around and start to run away. Again, if your dog drops the toy, or doesn’t get it to chase you instead, run to the toy and encourage your dog to pick it up. When they do, run a few steps, turn around and play “Tug!” See that: you’re teaching “Fetch!”

Be patient. If your dog isn’t a natural retriever, they have to learn all the parts of the game and come to love each and every part. When it all falls into place, you’ll always have it. “Fetch!” will be a part of your repertoire forever.