Dog Training Game: Step on it

One of the best ways to encourage your dog to be curious and make good decisions is to play “Step On It!”

Torque playing "Step on it"
Torque stepping on a mat

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. And it’s always a bit of a shock when we introduce it in our puppy classes. The people who thought their puppies were bold, naughty explorers are surprised when their puppies are reluctant to try it.

The more the merrier

The game is simple to play and you can do it with anything, anywhere. You can play it one item at a time, or have a few stations set up to play.

Get some varied, flat materials. We use bubble wrap, cardboard, cookie sheets, yoga mats, wire grating, mesh screening, aluminum foil. The bottom of the item has to be flat, but you can certainly use boxes or, this week in particular, foil roasting pans are a great choice.

Have your dog on collar or harness and leash, just so they don’t leave the play area. Many dogs will disengage and “check out” when they don’t know what’s expected of them. Especially if your dog has been conditioned that you always tell them what to do, they’ll be reluctant to try new things.

How to play

Basically, you stand by the flat object, clicker in one hand, treats in the other, and that’s about it. To free up your hands, you can step on dog’s leash, giving him/her lots of slack, but not able to leave the area. 

Click and reward for any interaction your dog shows with the object. If he/she looks at it, even a passing glance, try to catch the moment, click and reward. Up until now, the game is similar to “Boxey.” Toss the treat on the object, rather than feeding from your hand. We want the dog focused on the thing, not on you for this game. 

If the dog looks at the object, click, and toss. Up to three times. By all means talk to your dog, encouraging him/her to “check it out,” “go see,” “what’s that?”

After your dog has been rewarded three times for looking, ask “What else?” It’s time to ask for more. If your dog has taken the treats tossed on the object, it’s already a little bit familiar and they should be ready to sniff it, paw it, step on it, etc.

Asking for more

For each advance, reward no more than a few times before asking for more. You can either use one object at a time, keeping the sessions very short, or set up a few different things so your dog learns to generalize exploring different things.

Don’t worry if your dog doesn’t get very far the first time. Familiarity with the game will encourage them to try the next time.

If your dog doesn’t engage with the object at all, just lean over and stare at it. This is where the hardest part of dog training comes in – doing nothing. It’s really difficult to just stand there, talking to your dog, and wait for them to get with the program. We understand. But you can do it, and your dog will learn more and better if you’re patient. Resist the temptation to lure your dog to the thing by tossing the treats on it or in it. We’re rewarding, not luring. The difference is teaching your dog to make good decisions, instead of just following commands.

Goal of the game

Eventually, the game’s objective is to get your dog to either stand or sit completely on the flat object, whatever material it’s made of, whatever noise it makes, wherever it is. This is a confidence-building game that’s particularly beneficial for dogs that tend to be timid or wary. It encourages them to explore their world, knowing that you’ll be right there, side by side.

Easy and Fun Dog Training

Games are easy and fun dog training. And, over time, the most effective and long-lasting learning for your dog.

Long term benefits outweigh short-term attention in dog training.

And that’s where we see people getting frustrated and tempted to use aversive methods. Just this week one of our puppy class students pleaded to use a pinch collar on his five-month old Golden Retriever. Because when he tried it, he got better attention immediately. 

That’s the way aversives, pain training, works. You’d pay attention, too, if it was the only way to not get choked.

Long-term gains

Fortunately, this man does want to do better by his puppy. He’s a long-time aversive trainer, so positive, game-based dog training is new to him. He was accustomed to instant obedience from his dogs. But he had to enforce that throughout their lives. They didn’t obey because they understood. They obeyed because they wanted to avoid pain.

The issue with this puppy is that she’s smart, curious, and five months old. The other dogs and people in class are more interesting than her people. So the first step is to be more interesting than anything else around.

Building the bond

He’s used to tugging on the puppy’s collar whenever he wants her to look at him. It’s going to take a conscious effort on his part to change that. It’s habit to say her name and pop the collar, not even giving her time to move her head.

The hardest thing in positive reinforcement dog training is waiting. Patience is not only a virtue, it’s a requirement. Jack’s assignment is to say his puppy’s name and wait for her to look at him. Not say anything else. Not let her go wandering off. Just wait, calmly.

Eventually, with nothing else available to do, the puppy will look at him. And that’s when he pounces with a celebration and reward. That reward is whatever is most valuable to the puppy – food, a game of tug, or on-leash fetch, or even a little wrestling match. 

She will learn that looking at her “dad” is the most fun thing to do. It always, every single time, results in happy, fun games. It’s the best thing ever! And that’s how you build your bond with your dog.

Checking in

Jack and his wife are under instructions to reward their puppy every single time she looks at either one of them. They have treat bowls in every room in the house, and pouches to carry outside. For three months, since they got her, the puppy hasn’t been encouraged to engage with them. The focus has been on the toy, the food, the leaves blowing down the street.

They will be able to claim her focus if they make the investment. What gets rewarded, gets repeated. If the puppy is rewarded every time she looks at them, she’s going to look at them a lot more. And, when her people are more interesting, she’s less likely to find everything else so distracting.

Long-term investments pay off

When the puppy understands that looking at her people will always result in good stuff, it’s a lesson learned for life. It may take longer to penetrate than choking. But it’s a conversion worth making. Nobody really wants to hurt their dog. When you know better, you do better.

Never Tell Your Dog Fun Is Done

Don’t tell your dog fun is done. 

Dogs are great at having fun and playing games. That’s why game-based training works so well. But what about when it’s time to end the game? How do you keep your dog engaged and happy, but still end the session?

Never tell your dog fun is done.
Silly German Shepherd!

This week one of our student’s dogs bolted and ran around, disrupting our class, the other class, and generally playing keep-away. Nothing bad happened and Fran corralled the silly German Shepherd girl in just a couple of minutes on her second round-about. But it was upsetting for our student – especially since she was planning to compete in Obedience this week.

She let us know she was having second thoughts about that obedience trial. And told us this was the third time her dog had taken off on her instead of allowing the leash to be attached. And now we have the information needed to address the issue.

Everything’s a game

“Dogs are the gods of frolic,” according to Henry Ward Beecher. We’re not sure he meant that as a good thing (he was a clergyman in the 19th century). But regardless, he was right. If there’s a game going on, dogs are in!

That’s a trait that we use all the time. Dogs respond almost instantly to laughter and fun. So make everything fun for your dog.

In our student’s situation, she has to make a point of continuing the fun after the leash is on. 

Logically, if the fun stops when a particular thing happens, you’re going to avoid that thing.  If every time she put on her dog’s leash the dog immediately goes in the crate and stops having fun, the dog will avoid the leash.

Turn it around

Her plan of action is to have a special toy that only comes out right after the leash goes on. She won’t have to play for long, just long enough for the dog to associate more fun with putting on the leash. Then, since we’re always honest with our dogs, she’ll say something like “That’s all!” and end the game. 

Like almost everyone, her first instinct when her dog runs is to chase the dog. She’s going to make a conscious effort to run away from her dog. It goes against every impulse, but it’s how to get your dog running to you. (For more on ending that “Keep Away” game, this article helps. And this one to get your dog running to you every time.)

Most dogs love to chase. They also love you. So if you take off in the opposite direction, all the while yelling his/her name, your dog is going to chase you. 

Grab that collar

When your dog catches up to you, be sure to get hold of their collar before you reward. One of the first games we teach puppy people is the collar grab game, and it’s a life-saver. 

In an emergency situation, you need to grab hold of your dog. If the dog isn’t used to that, they’re going to shy away. If, on the other hand, they know the Collar Grab game, it’s not an issue. It’s one of the games we play regularly with our dogs to keep it ever fresh. You never know when you’ll need it.

Read the room

Your dog knows you. They know your habits, patterns, and routine. If your dog is always misbehaving when something is about to happen (getting in the car, putting on the leash, going in the crate, getting a bath), you’re giving off signals that the “bad” thing is imminent. Recognizing what’s happening will help you change it.

We’re not suggesting that you change your routine to “fool” the dog. That never works. And it means you’re lying to your dog, which is a huge no-no. Instead, examine the pattern and see where you can inject a game. Then play the game when it doesn’t matter. Your dog’s attitude will turn around so when you need to give them a bath, it’s another chance to play, not a sign that dog fun is done.

Dog Training Games Video Is Priceless

Get over yourself.

Your dog training game video will help you in training your dog.
Your dog training game video will help

That’s the message I (Hope) have to tell myself whenever we talk about doing a new dog-training-games video for 2-Minute-Trainer. It doesn’t matter what I look like, sound like, or wear. It matters that we’re helping people have more fun training their dogs. That’s the thing we know how to do, are pretty good at, and want to share.

And these days, more people watch than read. So to get out the message of positive, fun, fast dog training, we use video. It’s the message that matters, not the medium.

Unexpected benefits

Something pretty magical happened when I watched the videos of my training with Torque. In almost every single one, I was laughing and having fun with my dog. Maybe that’s the most powerful message in all our training. There are lots of great reasons to play training games with your dog. The best one is that it’s fun for both of you.

We highly recommend that you take video of your training games with your dog. You don’t have to let anybody else see it, if you don’t want to. It’s for you.

Keeping a record

I was having a not-so-great day until I watched the video with Torque. Just seeing my own expression change from serious to joy, because my dog was impatient to play with me. It turned the whole day around.

No matter what happens on any tomorrow, I will always be able to look at that video and see the happiness – mine and my dog’s. If you ever doubt that your dog is enjoying your training games, watch the video. Look at your dog’s rapt expression. Their intensity and eagerness to play will motivate you to play even more dog training games.

If you record your sessions regularly, you’ll also have a precious record of how far you’ve come from where you started. Try to take video at least once a week. You’ll be glad you did. Especially for those times when you don’t seem to be making headway. Reminding yourself where you were, and how far you’ve come, is a real boost.

Going viral

If you’re hoping for internet fame and figure out the secret, by all means go for it and share it with us. Our video Spotlight Series seemed to be growing; the first four videos had geometric growth from week to week. (Booker’s “Dance” is below.) Maybe ironically, the video that brought such joy has almost no views. We may not know the magic formula for internet stardom. What we do know is how special the relationship with our dogs is, and capturing that for posterity is priceless. 

Dog training is teamwork

At the bottom of this post you’ll find links to the winning performances of the AKC Virtual Trick Dog competitions for the last two years. What’s most notable isn’t that the dogs are wonderful, which they are. It’s that the dogs are doing pretty normal tricks. And not necessarily getting them right on the first try. What’s spectacular is the narrative their people put together. It lets them show off their wonderful dogs doing fun stuff. Because good dog training is teamwork.

Reward for right

The other thing we noticed is that the people stopped to reward when their dogs did well. Even while recording a competition video. Because letting your dog know when they’re “right” has to be different from being “wrong.” It’s a lesson that’s hard for many of our students. We wish we had a nickel for every time we said: “Getting it right should be rewarded.” At every opportunity. Even for behaviors your dog’s known since he/she was a puppy. (Here’s more about rewards.)

Most of the tricks the dogs perform in these videos are variations on the themes of “get on it,” “get over it,” “go through it,” “carry it,” and “put it over there.” All of them are within your dog’s capabilities. The dogs don’t do the narrated routines on their own. Their people are there, showing them what to do every step of the way. And the dogs’ tails are wagging throughout. These dogs are having a good time.

Your dog training team

Dogs doing things and being rewarded are featured in the Trick Dog Championship videos.
Torque is carrying a cardboard tube.

You can see the dogs watching their people throughout. They’re anticipating having more fun. And treats. But they’re not harassing the “cookie hand.” These dogs know that when they do what they should, they’ll be rewarded for it. These dogs aren’t dragging through their routines. They’re practically dancing from one trick station to the next. 

It’s also worth noting that when the dogs don’t get it right the first time the only thing that happens is they get to try again. There’s no punishment. There’s just another chance to get it right. And be rewarded for it.

That’s the agreement we make with our dogs. When we get what we want, they get what they want. Mostly what they want is our attention. And treats.  Dog training is all about the team. Playing fun games, teaching dogs how to make good decisions, having fun, and expanding their understanding.

Not robot dogs

Will your dog mess up? Sure. Everybody does. Some days are better than others. And there will be 2-Minute dog game sessions that are a mess from the start. Even those sessions have some value because it teaches us how to change gears and try something else. 

It’s important that you’re easy on yourself and your dog. These top-winning Trick Dog competitors are ready to try again when their dogs miss the first try. They’re quick with the rewards when their dogs get it right. And they’re not afraid to show the world they and their dogs aren’t perfect. They’re proud to show off their amazing dogs. 2021 AKC Virtual Trick Dog Competition Winner (Miniature Poodle) 2022 AKC Virtual Trick Dog Competition Winner (Australian Terrier)

Find It! Dog Game

The “Find It!” Dog Game hits all the right buttons for most dogs. They are, by nature, hunters. Sniffing for “prey” is something just about every dog does. It’s a part of their instinct to seek, even though our pets don’t have to worry about where the next meal is coming from. This is one instance where training really does use a behavior that’s natural for your dog!

Since this game encourages wandering and sniffing, most dogs love it and take to it like a duck to water. It’s a variation on “nose work” dog sports. In AKC Scent Work, “dogs search for cotton swabs saturated with the essential oils of Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress. The cotton swabs are hidden out of sight in a pre-determined search area, and the dog has to find them. Teamwork is necessary: when the dog finds the scent, he has to communicate the find to the handler, who calls it out to the judge.”

Any Scent Will Do

Torque is ready to play the "Find it!" dog game
Torque’s ready to play the “Find it!” dog game

Unless you’re planning on going into competition with your dog, you don’t have to use those scents. There are commercially-available scent-work kits, but you don’t need the “official” items to get started. In fact, Hope used plain old cotton rounds used for makeup, and some “unofficial” nutmeg essential oil to start playing the game with Torque. 

He loved it right away. Like most dogs, Torque has an aggravating habit of sniffing anything and everything in the yard. Finding a game that lets him use that skill, instead of being discouraged from it, was heaven-on-earth to that dog. After all, dogs’ ability to discern odors is thousands of times better than ours. We can’t really know how dogs perceive the world by scent. But we can make the experience richer, useful, and fun for them.

Get Started

Torque found the scent!
Torque found the scent!

Any training game you play with your dog starts with familiarizing the “stuff.” In this case,put a couple drops of the oil on the cotton round. Then hold the round at your dog’s nose level, a few inches away. Unless your dog hates the scent, they will move forward to sniff the round. Dogs just can’t help themselves. They’re compelled to check out new things with their noses.

When your dog sniffs, click and reward, saying “Good Find It!” or whatever phrase you’re going to use. After a few repetitions, your dog will figure out his “job” is to sniff the thing. It’s probably one of the easiest games to teach – especially for dogs who love sniffing.

Hide and Seek

Once your dog associates the smelling with getting rewarded, you can try moving it around. At first, just alternate hands or move one or two steps. If your dog eagerly follows the round, you’re ready to move to the next phase of the game. 

At first you’ll “hide” the cotton round in plain sight. If you have another person around, stand with your dog facing away from the area the scent will be hidden. Let your dog sniff it, click and reward, then give it to the other person to “hide.” 

If your dog has shown a tendency to want to eat the cotton round, or take it into mouth, have the person put it under something porous enough for the dog to get the scent, like a basket. If you’re using a box, you may have to punch some holes in it at first for the dog to understand the game.

Once the round is hidden in plain sight, a few feet away, turn around with your dog and encourage them to “Find it!” When they do, click and reward. 

Degree of Difficulty

As your dog understands the game and becomes more proficient, move the scent higher. Or put it in a covered container. “Containers” is one of the tests for dogs in Scent Work competition, and those are closed, plastic containers. Dogs’ noses are powerful enough to “Find It!” even if it’s buried, outdoors, or even in a vehicle. Scent Work is the basis for the work of law enforcement sniffer dogs. Different circumstances, different smells. But essentially the same kind of game.

If your dog is a sniffing prodigy, you’ll probably enjoy doing Scent Work in competition. There are several different organizations who hold trials. You can see what group is most active in your area and look for classes near you.

The “Find It!” game quickly becomes a favorite for most dogs and people. It’s using the dog’s natural instincts and turning it into a game you can play together. Expand the game to different smells, different places, and different elevations to keep it fresh and fun. 

Freestyle dog training game

How do you make up new training games with your dog? Let your dog lead the way with the Freestyle dog training game.

The hardest thing about playing the Freestyle game is letting your dog take control. You don’t decide any part of the Freestyle dog training game, other than when to play and how long.

It goes like this: in a safe space, put out a few different objects and let your dog have fun. There are no “wrong” answers. The only thing you can do to guide your dog is stand next to or look at one of the objects. Anything the dog does is “clickable” as long as he/she isn’t trying to eat it or run off with it.

Boom game

Some dogs are more creative than others. Some dogs make up all kinds of games and behaviors and do things we never would have thought to teach them. Other dogs rely on known games and adapt them to new circumstances.

By observing what your dog does, the things he/she particularly likes, and what he/she does with them, you can develop new games.

Two of our most recent examples:

Booker playing his own Freestyle dog training game, "Boom!"
Booker playing his own Freestyle dog training game, “Boom!”

Boom! Dog training game. Booker (Fran’s 9-year-old Boston Terrier) loves knocking things over. Fran made note of it and developed his “Boom!” game. She puts out a series of soft, vertical objects (foam rollers, yoga mats, pool noodles stuffed onto dollar-store paper-towel holders). And Booker goes through the maze knocking them over one by one. By saying “Good Boom!” he’s learned the word and now will run over to “Boom!” any vertical object. Fortunately, he’s too little to apply the behavior to people.

Fran’s younger Boston, 3-year-old Simon, is a bit of an obsessive/compulsive personality. When he puts his toys away, he tries to stack them neatly. Especially empty tuna cans. He carried the tendency over into his Freestyle game, always trying to stack objects. So Fran picked up some little stacking bowls (did we mention the dollar store is one of our favorite places for dog training equipment?). She was right about his neatnik tendencies – in Simon’s very first “Stack It!” session he caught on. Fran’s only played “Stack It!” with him a couple of times so far. And he doesn’t yet understand multiple bowls can go in the same stack, not just two. He’ll get there. 

Let your dog show the way

Freestyle sessions are also great when you’re out of ideas and don’t feel like playing an old standard. It’s also a great game when you’re tired. All you have to do is stand there, click, reward, and say “good.” 

The hardest thing about Freestyle is resisting the temptation to guide your dog. Our first exposure to dog training was with a trainer who told us “Never let a dog make a decision!” (See our article, “Follow your dog’s Lead.”) When, in reality, we strive to do exactly the opposite. Training is all about teaching dogs to make good decisions. 

Dog Training Game: Drop it!

“Drop it!” is a command, like “Come!” that could potentially save your dog

It happened to us, quite a few years ago. One of our neighbors made profligate use of rodent poison sticks in his yard. Not realizing, or not caring, that wildlife would carry the sticks throughout the neighborhood. Hope’s first French Bulldog, Dax, got hold of one. If she hadn’t known “Drop it!” she may have died that day.

“Drop it!” is almost as difficult as it is important. It requires the dog to give up something of value.

How much they care

The value of the item may be very temporary – they saw something interesting and just grabbed it in passing. Those are the easier ones for “Drop it!”

In the middle ground are things that dogs snatch because you’re interested in them. These are the things, like socks, that your dog sees you interact with. Your dog may not actually be all that fascinated with it, but because it smells like you, and you are “playing” with it, it has value.

The third level is the most difficult to get your dog to “Drop It!” These are the things that your dog adores, wants to keep, and is extremely reluctant to lose possession over.

Level of importance

The mechanics of “Drop it!” are pretty simple. You’ll “trade” something for the object your dog is holding. Ideally, what you’re offering is “better” than what the dog has, so your dog always thinks they’re “trading up.” 

Just like your dog’s degree of interest in the snagged item, “Drop it!” works with a hierarchy of value. For a minimally-important item, your dog may trade it for a low-value treat, like a piece of kibble. For the highest-value objects, the ante has to be higher. Whatever your dog values most should be in your toolkit for this game. The better the “trade” item, the more likely your dog will be to “Drop It!”

That being said, the success of these games rely on being able to control the situation and the circumstances. Fran’s Boston Terriers are amazing at “Drop It!” She played the trading game early and often, and both Simon and Booker know the fun isn’t over when they obey.

Torque is reluctant to play "Drop it" with his ball.
Torque is reluctant to play “Drop it” with his ball.

Torque, Hope’s French Bulldog, is a harder case. He’s great at “Drop It!” for almost anything. And the exceptional things are, in order of importance: 1: balls 2: balls 3: balls. The only thing as good as a ball, for Torque, is another ball. 

Trade goods

If your dog is like Torque, have two or more of the exact same item. Torque learned to “Drop It!” only when he found out that what he was getting in exchange for his precious ball was another precious ball. With the added bonus of being able to chase it down. He will now play “fetch” – as long as there are multiple balls in play.

Trading is a valid way of getting your dog to release something. And if you’re starting from scratch, it’ll work like a charm.

But what if you’re trying to change an already-established pattern? Like stealing socks?

Make it boring

If it’s something you can get hold of, do so. And don’t let go. But also don’t let it turn into a game of tug. If your dog starts to back up and tug, move with your dog, so there’s no tension on the object. When Torque was learning this command, he would back up all around the house, Hope hanging onto the toy. She didn’t allow any tension – if he moved, she moved with him. It was a frustrating non-game for Torque, but he learned.

 If you can, hold the object with one hand on either side of the dog’s mouth so your dog can’t change grip. You can even push it slightly, so it’s even further into your dog’s mouth. Most dogs don’t like that very much. 

While we make every effort to avoid using aversive methods, getting a reliable “Drop It!” command is worth bending the rules a little bit to keep our dogs safe. There’s no punishment, it’s just refusing to engage in the dog’s game. While they may not like it, it’s harmless. And we guarantee that the trip to the emergency vet, endoscopy, and the subsequent bill are things that you, and your dog, will like even less.

Put Your Toys Away Dog Training Game

In last week’s tip we mentioned that Tango’s favorite training game is “Put Your Toys Away.” We were planning to provide a link to the game instructions – but then realized we’d never written about it. We’ve done videos of the game, but never explained how to teach it – until now.

Put Your Toys Away has lots of parts

Put Your Toys Away is a lot of different dog training games all strung together. And, as with all 2-Minute-Dog-Training games, each part is a different game. It’s only when your dog is getting parts “right” a majority of the time that you string them together.

“Toys” don’t have to be toys

Tango and the Put Your Toys Away dog training game
Tango, putting his toys away

You also have to think about the objects you use for the game. It has to be a lower-value (to the dog) object that the dog is willing to give up. If you have a tennis-ball obsessed dog, don’t use tennis balls. If your dog adores plush toys, use vinyl, etc.

Tango is the only one of our dogs who uses actual dog toys for the game. For one reason – he doesn’t care about dog toys. Never has. And the long-neglected toys we got for him before we knew that are too small for the other dogs to play with. They wouldn’t last a minute.

All four of our dogs play “Put your toys away,” but use different objects instead of toys. Booker comes closest with foam building blocks. Torque uses cardboard tubes and toy tambourines from the dollar store. Simon (a.k.a. The Destroyer) has tuna fish cans (with tape around the edge), ring molds, and plastic food containers.

Here’s Booker putting his blocks away.

Breaking it down

Dissect “Put Your Toys Away” into its component parts and treat each one like a separate game:

  • Pick up a toy (object).
  • Hold the toy.
  • Carry the toy someplace.
  • Go to the bin, (box, washtub).
  • Drop the toy in the bin.
  • Leave it.
  • Return to the toy pile.
  • Repeat.

If you try to string together the entire list, your dog may get confused about what you’re actually asking for. You don’t have to play the games in this order. Each part can be a separate game, played in any order.

Never assume

Even if your dog knows how to “take” something from you, it’s a good idea to start from the beginning. Taking an object from your hand is different from picking it up off the floor. If you want to hand your dog individual objects and build the behavior that way – that’s perfectly fine. It’s a game for you and your dog to play together and you can make up the rules. Keep the rules of the game consistent for your dog, but play however you want!

One variation we’ve tried in the last couple of weeks, just to refresh the game, is to actually toss the object and have the dog chase it, then put it away. It’s a variation on the theme that lends more energy than picking up toys from a static pile.

Let us know!

When you’re familiar with the 2-Minute-Trainer method, turning each step into a game should be fairly simple. If there are bits you’re not sure of, be sure to let us know! If we hear that a particular segment is proving more difficult for dogs and/or people, we’ll provide step-by-step guidance. 

This is a game that every dog/person team can play to suit themselves. Whatever objects, receptacles, distances, motions you use, it’s fine. And we’d love to see video of you and your dogs in action! Please post anytime on our Facebook page!


Dog Training Game: Back Up!

At first thought, teaching the dog training game “Back Up!” may not seem useful. Trust us, it is. 

When your dog knows “Back up!” you’ll look forward to seeing the sign in Rally Obedience competition. And you’ll have a way of getting your dog(s) to move out of doorways, narrow hallways, and generally obstructing your path. It’s particularly fun when you use the command “Beep! Beep! Beep!” to sound like a truck in reverse. 

Can you tell we love “Back up!?”

Teaching your dog “Back Up!”

There are actually several different ways to teach “Back Up!” We use all of them, randomly. Different visual “pictures” and games teaching the same concept will further broaden your dog’s understanding. They’ll truly understand the word. It’s also an impressive behavior to show off your dog’s skills. Imagine saying “Beep! Beep! Beep!” and your dog backs up across the room. Showy!

Use a wall

This is about as simple as it gets. Stand at a right angle to the longest wall in the house. The majority of the length should be behind you. Get your dog between you and the wall. If you follow traditional heel position, that should be your left side. Take a small step forward, so your dog is standing. Hold a treat in your left hand just above your dog’s head and take a tiny step back with your left foot, keeping your hand steady above your dog’s nose. They should be looking up at the treat by this time and should move back a tiny bit with you. If he/she does, say “Good Back!” (or Good Beep!) and reward. 

Booker is thinking about doing the dog training game "Back up" behavior.
Booker is thinking about doing the “Back up.”

There is a strong possibility that your dog will sit rather than back up. It’s a truism in dog training that “when the butt goes down, the head comes up.” If that happens, lower the cookie to the dog’s eye level and try again. Try not to let your dog have the treat until you get some backward motion. 

Chances are you won’t get more than a step or two the first time. Most dogs don’t have a natural backing up behavior, so you’re starting from scratch. Try a little bit every day, and you’ll soon be backing up the entire length of the hall. Then you can start randomizing the reward, stepping away from the dog, and teaching the dog to back up on his/her own.

All by themselves

This game is our favorite way to teach “Back Up!,” although the wall method is much more common. This one is almost like playing “catch the cookie” with your dog.

Sit on the floor with a bowl of treats. Your dog should be sitting or standing facing you. (If your dog is harassing you for the bowl of treats, revisit the game “Whatcha Gonna Do?” in Book 4, Impulse Control) Say “Beep!” and toss a treat between your dog’s front legs. When your dog moves back, even the tiniest bit, to get the treat, say “Good Beep!” and throw another treat a bit further away from you, between your dog’s legs if you can.

Torque backs up when Hope throws a treat between his front legs.

If your aim is terrible, like ours is, don’t worry about it. You’ll get it right often enough that your dog will learn anyway. And they’ll love playing, because of all the extra cookies. When your dog gets the idea and “Beeps!” across the room, get him/her back to play again with a “Touch!” game

When your dog starts to get it, change your position. Instead of sitting on the floor, kneel or stand up. Move around. If you’re like us, your aim will suffer, but your dog will clean up all your errant tosses. 

In their face

Some people teach “Back Up!” by stepping into their dogs and crowding them into backing up. We don’t advocate this method. It can be intimidating for many dogs, instead of a game. If you want to try it, the dog training game version treats it as one of several directions to “dance” with your dog. Facing each other, take a step to the side. If your dog follows you, praise, call it “Good Side!” (or whatever word you want to use). Take a step back (you) and praise and reward if your dog steps with you (his/her Forward!). Take steps to both sides, forward, and back. It will convey to your dog that you’re moving together, not trying to make him/her back down.

Back Up! Everywhere!

As with all new behaviors and games, when you think your dog has a good understanding, play the game in as many different places as you’re able. It helps your dog solidify the behavior.

We’ve found that the Back Up! tends to really impress people unfamiliar with dog training. They can’t believe that dogs will do it on command. And it’s really a show-stopper to use “Beep! Beep!” Have more fun with your dog!