Get Over It

Why does my dog hate women with hats? We'll never know.

We’ll never know why.

Why does my dog hate umbrellas? Why does my dog react to women with hats? Why does my dog not do stairs? Or chase cars? Or eat poop? 

For all the million and one things that we hear – there’s no answer. And it’s really, really hard, but you have to let it go.

Dogs can’t talk

Your dog will never be able to tell you why she loves the UPS delivery person but hates the mail carrier. Or why he cringes when you pick up a magazine. You can speculate. “He’s a rescue – maybe somebody did something at some time that caused it.” But that doesn’t help. And, at this point, it’s an excuse.

Don’t excuse

Whenever you try to justify whatever the behavior is, you’re excusing it. Be honest with yourself. If you accept any behavior that’s not ideal; fearfulness, shyness, even aggression, you’re making an excuse. To help your dog live his/her best life, you have to deal with what is

If your dog is afraid of something, turn it into something terrific. A few years ago, the training hall where our obedience club held classes had an overhead heater that was noisy and turned on with an explosive sound and fan. One of the Golden Retrievers in class would shy away from it, refusing to go anywhere near it, almost frenzied to get away from that part of the room. 

We made a plan and turned it around. Whenever the heater came on, Sassy’s owner would stop whatever she was doing with the class, move far away from the heater, and start giving Sassy treats. Telling Sassy she was wonderful, and brave. When Sassy calmed down, she would rejoin the class.Over time, they got closer and closer. By the end of the session, when the heater fired up Sassy would run to sit right underneath it to get her treats. 

Make a plan

You can modify your dog’s reaction to any situation. All it takes is a plan, and time. Think about the reaction you want from your dog, and the steps you’ll need to climb to achieve it. You can do it!

When are we done?

The short answer? Never!

Put another way – when are you done learning new stuff? We hope the answer is the same – never!

The game might change

Of course you’ll move on from the basics. There will come a day when your dog runs to his/her “place” when the doorbell rings, or knows to “sit” before dinner is served, or resists jumping when a guest comes in the house. 

Training changes over time, but it doesn’t ever have to end. 

Dog = toddler = learning sponge!

Dogs have often been equated to toddlers – they have the mentality of three-year-olds. Throughout their lives, they’re sponges – always able to learn new things, always up for a new game. No one would ever think to stop playing with a little kid! Why would you stop playing with your dog?

Training is playing

When you’re starting a 2-Minute-Training session with your dog, look at it as “We get to play now!” Not as “time for (insert least favorite subject here (math)) class.”

And remember how your perspective on that changed, too? When you were a little kid, before you even went to school, you played “pretend” school. Did it stop being fun when you got to the real thing? That’s sad. Whatever was done to stop the fun – don’t do that!

Stuck? Change it up!

If you’re stuck on a particular step, either take a break, or take a step back. Do something else. Look at it a different way. Change the routine.

Even when we’re trying to perfect a skill required for competition in dog sports, we don’t work on it every session, or even every day. Take a break. It’ll come. There’s nothing wrong with “mixing it up!” As a matter of fact, it’s a good thing. 

Dogs have favorite behaviors

Most dogs have favorites. If things aren’t going great with something new – revisit that old favorite. Hope’s Torque absolutely adores his “Tapping” behavior – he alternates touching his front paws on Hope’s corresponding foot. When he’s frustrated by something new, he goes right back into “Tapping” mode – hoping to coax Hope into doing something more comfortable than the new thing. 

And he usually gets his way – after another attempt or two at the new skill. That way everybody’s happy.

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong

If training with your dog is a chore, if it’s an obligation rather than a joy, something’s wrong. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. Something’s gotta change – an attitude adjustment, a different perspective, a bit of a break. 

You never have to be done with playing with your dog.

Too many treats?

Some people have expressed concern that, with constant food rewards, their dogs will get fat.

No, your dog will not get fat!

While you may be increasing the number of food reinforcements your dog is getting – you don’t have to increase his/her overall calories. 

Some ideas …

Some ideas to keep the pounds away:

Substitute frozen green beans for a part of your dog's meal.
Substitute part of your dog’s meal with frozen cut green beans.
  • Especially if your dog eats dry food – use a portion of each meal as training treats. Many serious dog trainers “ditch the bowl” entirely and hand-feed every meal to their dogs, using meal time as training time.
  • Replace some of your dog’s meal with frozen, cut, green beans. Most dogs love frozen beans. We don’t know why – we just know it’s true.
  • Get a refillable squeeze tube (most camping supply departments have them) and fill it with low-fat yogurt. It fits nicely in your hand and you can squeeze out a dab as a reward quickly.
  • Include lots of low-calorie options in your training treat trail mix; Cheerios, pretzel pieces, diced-up carrots or celery. Hope’s Torque is bonkers for celery. We don’t know why. We just capitalize on the fact that he is.

Your dog’s consumption may go up – especially as you both realize how much fun training is and do it more often. It’s somewhat offset by the increase in activity for your dog. Instead of lying on the couch, he/she is actively engaged and burning more calories.

No need to resist those big brown eyes!

Relax. You don’t have to resist those puppy-dog eyes. Find some alternatives that work for you and your dog.

Don’t help!

Is your dog helpless? Find out how you can help him help himself!

Resist the temptation to “help” your dog figure stuff out!

Teddy was proud of himself after figuring his way out of a tight corner!

One of our best dog-training mentors said “The more you help, the more helpless you make your dog.” 

Remember when you were a little kid and you were practising a new skill (maybe tying your shoes)? And your mom or sibling jumped in and interrupted? You forgot where you were and you had to start all over again.

Your dog needs time to think things through and practise his/her thinking and decision-making skills. 

If your dog is frustrated, he/she may look at you for help. Bark, fuss, make eye contact, and try to get you to help, Don’t do it! As long as he/she is trying – resist the temptation!

If your dog turns away and gives up, then you can move on to something else and try again another time.

Hope’s Teddy (French Bulldog) wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He heard a noise in the alley and dashed underneath and around some yard equipment to get down a narrow path to check it out. When he was ready to come back, he couldn’t figure out how he’d gotten there. 

He started fussing and looking for some help. Instead of clearing the way, Hope just waited for him to figure it out – as noisy and difficult as that was. In time (it was only a few minutes), he did figure out a path back and was proud of himself for the rest of the day!

So – don’t be so quick to help. Encourage your dog’s problem-solving ability.

An intro to 2-Minute Dog Training Games

If you’re not having fun training your dog, you’re doing it wrong!

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong!

21st century dog training means having fun with your dog. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong! Dog training games are best for training, learning, and enjoying time with your dog.

Everybody, including your dog, learns better when they enjoy it! Fast, fun dog training games are the most effective way to teach your dog anything. From house-breaking to the showiest tricks, games are the way to go.

Your future with the 2 Minute Training Method

We’re Hope and Fran, creators of the 2 Minute Training method. We’ve developed this method so that in short bursts of training your dog will learn what’s expected of him and make good choices. Instead of a rowdy hooligan, he’ll be a joyful part of your family. Instead of having to lock the dog up when company arrives, he’ll be an integral part of the conversation. Your dog will no longer pull your arm out of the socket on walks. He’ll sit nicely for treats.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not!

This miracle won’t happen overnight, but it will happen, and it won’t be a miracle!

You”ll both practice to make it happen, and you’ll have such a good time you’ll want to do more.

Who we are

How do we know? Because we’re training our own dogs this way. Not traditional “most intelligent” dogs. Not Golden Retrievers. Not Border Collies. Not even Papillons or Pomeranians. These are dog breeds that are among the “smartest” and “most trainable.” Nope – Hope has a French Bulldog. Fran has a Brussels Griffon and two Boston Terriers. Not breeds you expect to see in the Obedience ring, and yet they’re advancing nicely in competition.

We also train fun stuff the same way – like “crawl,” “roll over,” and “sit pretty.” Even training the dogs to put their toys away!

Just short chunks of time. Maybe a few times a day. During commercial breaks in the evening. Or just one session before work.

Have fun with your dog!

It’s fun. We look forward to our short training sessions, and we know you will too.