Dog Training Plan B

There is no “one size fits all” to dog training. Your first attempt at training a new behavior may work, but dog training needs a “Plan B.”

One of the nifty things about dog training is that you can see it working. You can see the dog thinking, trying to solve the puzzle. And they love the process of problem-solving. Dogs trained with games are always happy to try. But what if the dog can’t do it? It’s time to present the question in a different way.

Dog Training Plan A

Cagney, the exuberant black lab mix pup.
Cagney, the exuberant black lab mix pup

We were visiting with family this past week and got to meet their 10-month-old Black Lab mix puppy.  Cagney is a really nice puppy. He gets along with their 14-year-old Pom mix, their small children, and is a happy, friendly pup. Who jumps to say hi. And to steal stuff off the counters.

When we came in, Cagney greeted us by jumping up. He’s a tall boy – his front paws were easily able to rest on our shoulders. An exuberant, but rude, greeting

And, like almost every puppy owner out there, our cousin reached for Cagney’s collar, pulled him away, and said “No jumping.” Needless to say, as soon as she released the collar, he was jumping again.

When asked, our cousin gave us the go-ahead to try something else. So we started the tried-and-true method of turning our backs on Cagney. He loved the game. He just followed us around in circles to jump some more. Apparently, there’s a lot of spinning in circles with little kids around. Cagney had fun, but it didn’t work as a “stop jumping” game.

Shifting to a new plan

Dogs always follow the path that’s most rewarding for them. Cagney’s goal was to get our attention. And, from his perspective, he succeeded. His jumping has always gotten him attention – either from the person he was jumping on, or from his people getting hold of him. Either way, his goal was met. 

We had to shift his thinking. Another way of stopping a dog’s attention-grabbing behavior is just to leave the vicinity. Walking away from the dog takes away the game and usually stops it cold. But Cagney is, once again, accustomed to the behavior of small children, who constantly run around. That method wouldn’t work with him.

The response to Cagney’s jumping is to stop everything. Movement, conversation, looking, grabbing, everything. We folded our arms and stared at the ceiling. Cagney didn’t understand at first, pawing at our arms, and jumping. This is where the hardest part of dog training comes in. We just stood there, silently. In just a few moments, Cagney’s puzzlement (or frustration), caused him to just sit. And he was immediately praised, rewarded, petted, and fussed over. He attempted to jump. Arms folded, eyes on the ceiling. He sat again. Praise, pets, and treats.

Not a doggy genius

And just like that, with only a couple of repetitions, Cagney got the idea. There were a couple of times over the next few hours that he forgot himself and jumped. But he learned just that fast – when he wanted our attention, he came over and sat. The “be patient and ignore” method also works with nuisance barking as a Plan A or a Plan B.

Is the jumping problem “solved?” No, not yet. It will take a while before the 10 months of jumping is overridden by the new sitting behavior. If our cousin doesn’t keep it up, it won’t last at all. And until it’s a habit to greet people by sitting, our cousin will have to get all visitors to “fold and stare.” And reward heavily every time he successfully sits instead of jumping.

Dogs learn by the timing and placement of rewards. When Cagney makes the right decision to sit, praise has to be almost instantaneous for him to make the connection. Puppies especially have a very short attention span, and if there’s a lag between behavior and praise, the link may not take.

Planning ahead

The reason we have a variety of games to play for almost every dog behavior is so we can adapt to the dogs we meet. What works for one dog, may not work for another. Just like people, they have different learning styles, different experiences, and different knowledge sets. 

If the game you’re playing with your dog isn’t getting results, think about what’s going on, how the dog is reacting, and what you can do to change it. Just like when you’re talking with someone who isn’t understanding what you’re saying, find a different way to express it. There are lots of ways to do almost anything. The right one is the one that works.

Pick it up! dog training game

Lots of dog-training games start with the dog picking something up. For many dogs, getting them to ignore something on the floor is harder to do than grabbing it. If your dog’s in this group, now you have a way of putting their natural curiosity to work. We touched on the “Pick it up!” dog training game in relation to Obedience dumbbell work.

Since dogs don’t have hands, their way of checking something out is first to sniff, then to taste. Exploring their world is generally a good thing – as long as you’re there to pull the not-so-good things out of their mouths. We know one puppy who took four different trips to the emergency veterinarian because: Socks! 

Torque loves the "Pick it up!" dog training game.
Torque loves the “Pick it up!” dog training game.

Assuming that your dog’s a picker-upper kind of dog, getting them to do it for the Pick It Up! game is simple. Assemble a bunch of different “stuff” from around the house. Try to vary the shapes and materials. Include plastic, wood, metal, fabric – whatever you can find. For obvious reasons, don’t use anything that can’t be easily cleaned. We use various kitchen utensils and items destined for recycling. The kitchen stuff can go in the dishwasher, and the recycling will still be recycled if/when it gets broken. A recent 2-Minute Trainer “Spotlight” video featured Torque putting his cans in separate containers.

How to Play “Pick It Up!”

Have your treats and clicker ready. Start by placing one object, say a wooden spoon, on the floor. When your dog looks at it, click and reward. Clicker-trained dogs know when they hear that sound that they’re on the right track. Reward close to the spoon so the dog knows the spoon is important in this game. Dogs learn by association. When your dog sees that you’re interested in the spoon, that you reward for interaction with it, he/she will quickly learn to be interested in it, too. So if your dog isn’t interested in looking at the spoon, much less picking it up, just be patient and stare at the spoon. Lean over to emphasize your focus on that spoon.

Chances are your dog will look at the spoon just to see what you find so fascinating. You may even get a semi-frustrated “Lady, are you crazy?” look from them. That’s okay. If you stay where you are and just wait, your dog will look at the spoon. Click and reward!

Dogs repeat what’s rewarded. What gets rewarded, gets repeated. When your dog’s looked at the spoon and been rewarded three times, it’s time for you to ask for more. Your two minutes are probably spent by now, so save it for the next time you play.

Be patient

Next time you play “Pick It Up!” your dog’s probably going to run straight for that spoon and stare at it. But it’s time for the next step, which is getting the dog to touch it with their mouth. Many dogs will paw at something, rather than pick it up. It’s time for you to be patient. Stare at the spoon. If you’re soft-hearted when it comes to your dog (and who isn’t?), give a click and treat for that initial look. Then wait patiently and encourage your dog to do something else. Lean over and stare at the spoon. 

Resist the temptation to click and treat if your dog uses their paws. That’s not what we’re looking for with this game, and you may wind up confusing your dog if you reward pawing. If they try it, just be encouraging, but make it clear that’s not the behavior you want. “That’s okay, dog, but not what we want. Can you try something else?”

Some dogs get frustrated and try to disengage or get a little wild. If your dog disengages, have them on leash to play. At least they’ll stay in the vicinity. Keep staring at the spoon – your dog will come back and try again, as long as you’re patient and encouraging. If your dog tends to lose focus and start messing around, play a game they know, like “Touch!” to get their head back in the game.

Hardest part of dog training

You’ve heard us say, many times, that the hardest thing in dog training is doing nothing. This is one of those hard times. And if the timer goes off after your 2 Minutes, and your dog hasn’t touched the spoon with their mouth, that’s okay. You’ll try again another time, starting again from the look.

You want your dog to be successful. But this initial stage is where your dog does the most learning. If you “help” by handing your dog the spoon, or pointing at it and saying “get it, get it!” you’re not letting your dog learn. You’re depriving them of the chance to solve the puzzle. And the joy of figuring it out themselves.

Sooner or later, your dog will touch the spoon with his/her mouth. Click and reward! Three times. Then ask for more. The next step is to pick it up. Success! Call it something – “Good Pick Up!” “That’s Pick Up!” or whatever you want to call the game. Use something that’s easy for you to remember.

What next?

When your dog is successfully picking up the initial object, he/she may drop it as soon as they hear the click. That’s okay. That’s what this game is about. Adding on more behaviors such as holding it, carrying it, putting it someplace else, are all different games you can play with your dog.

The next step for “Pick it Up!” is to play with other objects. Different shapes, materials, and placements around the room, then around the house. You can even name the objects for your dog. Studies have shown that dogs can understand names of things, if you want to teach it. Again, so that your dog can generalize “Pick Up!” play with other things in different places.

This simple game can turn into whatever behavior you can imagine. It’s the start of that all-star dog behavior of fetching you a soda from the refrigerator. Or something even stronger.

The best time for dog training

Simon loves to play dog training games anytime.
Simon loves playing training games anytime.

It’s never a bad time to play dog training games. Whether we’re talking about the time of day, the phase of your life, or how old your dog is. Truthfully, your dog is learning from you all the time – how to behave, what you like, what’s acceptable, and absolutely what’s not. 

We talked to a person today who’s interested in doing “stuff” with her dog. She has a three-year-old Labrador Retriever and knows he’s smart. He can “do stuff.” And she’s reached a point where she knows he’s not living up to his potential. He can do more. And she wants to give him that chance.

How much training 

It surprises first-time dog owners that dogs are intelligent beings who thrive on challenges. The before-dog fantasy may have included cuddles on the couch, or everywhere companions. But it probably didn’t incorporate the laughs, frustrations, and surprises in store. 

When people adopt dogs from rescues or shelters, they tend to be all gung-ho on training class right away. They don’t realize it takes weeks before the dog adjusts to the new environment. At first, it’s more important to let the dog decompress and start to relax. For these dogs, 2-Minute sessions may be ideal. Just a little bit at a time, and always fun.

Getting a puppy is a bit different. Puppies aren’t “blank slates,” but they don’t have the baggage that rescue dogs carry. Puppies are ready to absorb and learn from day one. But they don’t have the attention span or stamina. Or, for that matter, the retention. For these dogs, the short, fast, fun games are perfect. 

When to get “serious”

Like the woman we spoke to, there comes a time that you look at your dog and realize how much more they’re capable of. The long walks and “fetch” sessions are routine and getting a bit boring. Maybe that’s when you start investigating what more there is for you and your dog.

All of the dog sports exist for fun. Some you and your dog can play in the comfort of your own home, like “Trick Dog.” Others need wide open spaces and knowledgeable instruction to keep you and your dog safe, like agility. When you start to look around, you’ll find a myriad of possibilities for every dog/handler team.

Good foundation

Every single dog sport starts with the relationship between you and your dog. That’s what we’re doing here. 2-Minute Dog Training will build the focus, willingness to try, the trust, and the partnership between you and your dog. When you explore the world of dog sports, take your 2-Minute dog training games with you. There’s no limit on what you and your dog can achieve. 

Play Canine Kitchen Games

You don’t need a lot of space to play training games with your dog. Not much time, either. While you’re waiting for the water to boil for your pasta is a perfect time to play some Canine Kitchen Games!

If you’re like most people, lots of the time you spend at home is in the kitchen. It’s the hub of every home. And where you’re hanging out, chances are your dog is, too. Why not have a little fun while you’re there?

What are Canine Kitchen Games?

Any dog training game that doesn’t need “stuff” can be a kitchen game. And there are even some you can use kitchen stuff to play. 

"Touch" is a great canine kitchen game.

“Touch!” is a perfect kitchen game. Even if you only have enough room for you and your dog to stand, you can play.  All you need is some treats and your hands!

Another good Canine Kitchen Game is “Tap!” and you won’t even have to wash your hands.

If you want to get fancy and you have enough room, put a big bowl upside down and play some hind-end awareness games. Once around in either direction with the dog’s paws up on the bowl. It only takes a minute, you’ve had some fun with your dog, and accomplished something!

You can even play Puppy Pushups as kitchen game.

Spin it around!

Another option is to teach your dog to spin. Most dogs seem to love it and it’s an easy one to teach. This is one of the rare games that we actually use a lure to begin teaching. While standing, hold a treat by the dog’s shoulder. When they start to turn toward the treat, just keep moving it until the dog makes a complete circle. Some dogs make it all the way around the first time. If your dog doesn’t, start over and give the treat before the dog breaks out of the circling position. You may have to work an increasing arc before you get a complete spin. Meet your dog where they are – then ask for more.

You can teach your dog to spin in both directions. It’s a good idea to give them different names, we use “Spin!” for one way, “Turn!” for the other. Use whatever words you can remember – and keep straight in your mind for clockwise and counter-clockwise. It also helps to move your hand in the direction you want your dog to spin.

Use waiting time

Canine Kitchen Games are great for times when you’re waiting, like in the veterinarian’s office. Or times when you’re out on a walk and don’t want your dog to see the bunny across the street. If you’re in your own yard and want to distract your dog from the person passing by. Or you’re next in line at an agility or obedience trial and want your dog to focus.

These little games have lots of uses. They don’t take much time or effort to learn or play. You can play them anywhere without any prep. And they’re another opportunity to smile and play with your dog.

Find a Dog Training Buddy

Have you ever thought about finding a dog training buddy? The holidays are the most social time of year. There are lots of opportunities to chat with friends, colleagues, relatives about all sorts of stuff. Quite a few of those conversations may mention dogs – especially if you’re trading “naughty” stories.

Dogs meeting other dogs
Friends helping friends with dog training.

If you keep your ears open, you might find a good match for a dog training partner. It’s a good idea to have someone watch you and your dog (either live or on video), trade problem-solving ideas, and discuss training issues and triumphs. It’s not strictly necessary, but it is nice to talk with someone else going through the same thing you are. The best and most experienced dog trainers welcome another opinion, idea, or suggestion. 

Check for compatibility

If you like the idea of sharing your dog-training games with a friend, be sure you have similar ideas about how dog training should be done. There are still punishment-based, and “balanced” training adherents who don’t understand, or even denigrate positive reinforcement training. It’s one thing for us, as training class instructors, to lay down the law of “No pulling, no popping, no corrections!” It may not work in a one-on-one situation. 

Your dog training buddy doesn’t have to be a steady date, or even a regular appointment. You can certainly check in with each other only occasionally. But it’s nice to have someone to bounce ideas off, especially when you hit a plateau or obstacle in your training.

Another set of eyes

Because we’re sisters, Fran and I (Hope), know each other very well. We’re also able to push each other’s buttons and get on each others’ nerves. But in our dog training lives, we’re on the same page – finding the best way to communicate with our dogs. With our own dogs, we’ll often watch each other’s training. And having another viewpoint can be just what you need to move forward. 

Everybody can get stuck. You may become convinced that a certain path is the right one – but your dog just isn’t catching on. And while you can clearly see that what you’re doing isn’t working, you may not have another idea. Just having another person’s thoughts may help you find an alternative. 

As an example – I’m starting to teach Torque, my French Bulldog, the Utility Obedience Directed Retrieve exercise. In competition, three identical gloves are spaced evenly at the end of the ring. The judge tells the handler which glove the dog should get. The team starts with their backs to the gloves. When the exercise starts, the team turns around to face the correct glove and the person sends their dog to get it. 

Torque was peeling off as soon as we started to turn. Even if we came to a stop, he didn’t seem to understand that not just any glove would do. I tried using different objects, varying the distances between them, starting closer to the “right” glove – lots of variations on the theme.

Suggestions from the “peanut gallery”

Fran could see that I was at a loss. Torque just wasn’t understanding the “directed” part of the Directed Retrieve. He was getting the thing, bringing it back to me, dropping it on command. But the first part was elusive. Fran mentioned that according to the rules, that when we turn around I could ask Torque to “sit!” before sending him. I wasn’t doing that, even though it’s part of the rules. And just that change, a pause to focus, is making a big difference for Torque’s understanding.

It may seem natural for people – if somebody’s pointing at something, that’s the thing to interact with. But it’s not as natural for dogs. Sometimes we lose sight of how differently dogs’ minds work. With just an outside suggestion, you may be able to break through whatever barrier’s in front of you.

Help’s always available

If you can’t find a dog training buddy who is open to playing training games with their dogs, we’re always here to answer your questions, watch your videos, and offer suggestions. Building your dog’s understanding is just as important for family companions as it is for those heading for Obedience or Rally competition. It’s the gateway for everybody’s best life. It’s a bit sad that those people (and their dogs) are missing out.