You don’t need a lot of space to play training games with your dog. Not much time, either. While you’re waiting for the water to boil for your pasta is a perfect time to play some Canine Kitchen Games!
If you’re like most people, lots of the time you spend at home is in the kitchen. It’s the hub of every home. And where you’re hanging out, chances are your dog is, too. Why not have a little fun while you’re there?
What are Canine Kitchen Games?
Any dog training game that doesn’t need “stuff” can be a kitchen game. And there are even some you can use kitchen stuff to play.

“Touch!” is a perfect kitchen game. Even if you only have enough room for you and your dog to stand, you can play. All you need is some treats and your hands!
Another good Canine Kitchen Game is “Tap!” and you won’t even have to wash your hands.
If you want to get fancy and you have enough room, put a big bowl upside down and play some hind-end awareness games. Once around in either direction with the dog’s paws up on the bowl. It only takes a minute, you’ve had some fun with your dog, and accomplished something!
You can even play Puppy Pushups as kitchen game.
Spin it around!
Another option is to teach your dog to spin. Most dogs seem to love it and it’s an easy one to teach. This is one of the rare games that we actually use a lure to begin teaching. While standing, hold a treat by the dog’s shoulder. When they start to turn toward the treat, just keep moving it until the dog makes a complete circle. Some dogs make it all the way around the first time. If your dog doesn’t, start over and give the treat before the dog breaks out of the circling position. You may have to work an increasing arc before you get a complete spin. Meet your dog where they are – then ask for more.
You can teach your dog to spin in both directions. It’s a good idea to give them different names, we use “Spin!” for one way, “Turn!” for the other. Use whatever words you can remember – and keep straight in your mind for clockwise and counter-clockwise. It also helps to move your hand in the direction you want your dog to spin.
Use waiting time
Canine Kitchen Games are great for times when you’re waiting, like in the veterinarian’s office. Or times when you’re out on a walk and don’t want your dog to see the bunny across the street. If you’re in your own yard and want to distract your dog from the person passing by. Or you’re next in line at an agility or obedience trial and want your dog to focus.
These little games have lots of uses. They don’t take much time or effort to learn or play. You can play them anywhere without any prep. And they’re another opportunity to smile and play with your dog.