When you’re frustrated or angry with your dog – don’t use his/her name. Give him a secret identity. The sillier, the better!
Yelling “Bingo!” instead of your dog’s name will make you feel better, change the mood, and keep your dog’s name from becoming a curse word.
It’s crucial that your dog always thinks his/her name is a good thing. When you say it, your dog’s tail (if he/she has one) should wag, never sag. Calling your dog should always be a good thing.
So next time your Fido overturns the wastebasket, or goes counter-surfing, or knocks over your plant; by all means yell. At the top of your lungs scream “Gosh darn it, Jehosephat! Didn’t I tell you not to do that about a million and a half times!” As long as your dog’s name isn’t Jehosephat, you’re golden.
If your dog’s name is Jehosephat – you need to pick an easier name!